for a specific time by applying collyrium to the eyes. Two junior monks overheard the mantra. Passage 3 : ततो सो गच्छो पयट्टो जतो सुभिक्खं । ततो खुड्या दो वि आयरियणेहेण पडिबद्धा देसंताओ गच्छस्स ओसरित्ता आयरियसमीवं आगया । ततो ते थेरा जं लब्भंति तं तेसिं खुड्डगाणं समतिरेगं देंति, अप्पणा ओमं करेंति ।
Next day the whole group started its journey towards a prosperous region (where one can get alms easily.) The two junior monks returned from the boundary of the nearby place because of the love and regard towards their guru. They started living with the guru. The senior monk (Susthita) started a practice to distribute the major part of the alms among those two monks, leaving a little for himself. Passage 4 : ततो तेहिं दोहिं वि खुड्डोहिं सो अंतद्धाणजोगो मेलिओ, एगेणं अक्खी अंजिता बितितो ण पस्सति । एवं लद्धपच्चया भोयणकाले सह रण्णा चंदगुत्तेण भुंजंति, जं रण्णो सारीरयं भत्तं तं ते अंतद्धिया भुंजंति, ततो रण्णो ओमोयरियाए दोब्बलं जायं ।
Then both the junior monks tested the mantra of antardhāna. When one of them anointed his eye with collyrium, the other could not see him. Thus, when convinced, they went to Candragupta and started sharing his food at the time of meals. They devoured the food by entering into Candragupta's stomach invisibally. Day by day Candragupta became weaker and weaker. Passage 5 : ततो चाणक्केण पुच्छितो कीस परिहाणी ? भणाति - “मज्झ भत्तं कोति अंतद्धितो पक्खिवति त्ति, ण जाणामि ।” ततो चाणक्केण समंता कुड्डे दाउं एगदुवारा भुंजणभूमी कता । दारमूले य सुहुमो इट्टालचुण्णो विक्खित्तो । राया अंतो एगागी णिविट्ठो । ताहे खुड्डा आगता, पविठ्ठा अंतो । दिट्ठा पयपद्धती चुण्णे ।
Cāņakya asked, “Why you are looking weak, day by day ?' He replied, “Somebody eats my food invisibally when it enters into