you a king.' They started their journey.
Passage 6 : लोगो मिलितो, पाडलिपुत्तं रोहितं, णंदेणं भग्गो परिव्वायगो, आसेहिं पुट्ठिते लग्गो, चंदउत्तो य पउमसरे णिबुड्डो । इमो उपस्पृशति, सण्णाए भ बोलियत्ति, उत्तिण्णा णासंति, अण्णे भणंति - चंदउत्तं पउमिणीसंडे छुभित्ता ओ जातो, पच्छा एगेण जच्चकिसोरगगतेण आसवारेण पुच्छितो भ एस पउमसरे पविट्ठो, ततो तेण दिट्ठो, ततो घोडगो चाणक्कस्स अल्लिविओ, तत्थेव खग्गं मुक्कं, जले पवेसणट्ट्याए कंचुयं मुयति ताव खग्गेण दुहाकतो, चंदगुत्तो वाहित्ता चडावितो, पलाया, पुच्छितो - तंवेलं किं तुमे चिंतितंति ? भणति ध्रुवं एतं चेव सोभणं, अज्जो चेव जाणतित्ति णातो जोग्गो, ण एस विपरिणमतित्ति ।
Many people joined them. They encircled Pataliputra. Nanda's people chased the mendicant (Cānakya ) and he fleed. Some horsemen ran after Cāṇakya and Candragupta. Candragupta took shelter in a lotus-pond. Caṇakya stood by the pond sipping water, as if pretending a religious rite. When the horsemen asked him about Candragupta, Caṇakya told them by sign that he is under the water. They plunged down to search him. in the meantime, both ran away. The other version of the story is - Caṇakya caused Candragupta to hide in the lotus-creeper and himself acted like a washer-man. Afterwards, a horse-man mounted upon an excellent horse, asked Caṇakya about Candragupta. He said, 'Oh ! he has just entered into the lotus-pond.' The horse-man saw Candragupta. He kept the horse in the custody of Caṇakya. Left his sword nearby. When he was engaged in removing his dress, before entering the water, Caṇakya swiftly picked the sword and cut him into pieces.
Caṇakya called out Candragupta, both mounted on the horse and ran away. Cāṇakya asked Candragupta, 'What do you think at that time when I told about you to the horseman ?' Candragupta said, ‘What you have told, will be in my favour only. Sir, it is you who