help. He agreed to give them the solution on one condition. He said, 'If you will give the custody of the child to me, then only I will fulfil her longings. They agreed.
An open shade was erected. The top was covered with a cloth. It was a full-moon-night. There was a proper hole in the middle of the shade-cloth. It was midnight. A sweet-dish was prepared and was garnished with all attractive food-articles. The dish was kept exactly beneath the hole. The moon was shining in the middle of the sky with calm splendor. A man, on the roof uncovered the hole for some time. The moon was reflected in the dish. The pregnant daughter drank the preparation. The man covered the hole again. When longings were fulfilled, she was satisfied and delivered a son. The son was growing. At that time he (Cāņakya) was busy in search of wealth with the help of the science called 'dhātuvidyā”. Passage 5 : A GRU HH Tufa, run fautht, auch gyffus, पेच्छति, तेण विमग्गितो, अम्हवि दिज्जतु, भणति - गावीओ लहेहि, मा मारेज्ज कोति, भणति - वीरभोज्जा पुहवी, णातं जथा विण्णाणं से अत्थि । तो कस्सति दारएहिं कहितं - परिवायगपुत्तो एस, अहं परिव्वाओ, जामु जा ते रायाणं करेमि, alfsen
The boy loitered in the play with his friends. He always played a role of a king. The second version of the story is - Cāņakya returned. He saw the boy donating cows to the supplicants. Cāņakya said, 'Give some cows to me.' The boy answered, “Take away any of the cows.' Cāņakya said, 'Don't give me other's cows. The owners will kill you.' He said, “The whole earth is enjoyed by a person who possesses valour.' Cāņakya thought that the boy was a genius.
Some boys approached Cāņakya and informed that this boy was given to a nendicant. he said, 'It's me. Let us go. I shall make