102. There are seven Lords of Havani for whom one lays down the Baresman".
The first is at yênhê mê ashậd haka (Yasna XV, 2).
The second is at the Ahuna Vairyas. The third is at dâidt môi (Yasna XVIII, 1).
The fourth is at the end of the Hà Ustavaiti (Yasna XLIII), or of the Ha Spentâ Mainyu (Yasna XLVII).
The fifth is at yênhê mê ashâd haka (Yasna LI, 22). The sixth is at dâidt môi (Yasna LXV, 5).
The seventh is at the end of the Hà Ustavaiti, or of the Hå Spentâ Mainyu.
In the other rites? the Baresman is laid down four times.
The first time at yênhê me; the second time at the Ahuna Vairyas; [the third time at] : dâidi môi ye găm; the fourth time at the Gâtha Ustavaiti, or the Gatha Spentà Mainyu.
103. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 103. Daityai pairistai pairisti.
Frårathné dráganghô varis-stanghaska. Khsnaothra yazamaîdê : yasnemka.
Barata beretem akyauskangha åtars aêsmem dàityöaesmãn.
Nivaêdhayemi yatha yim Ahurem Mazdãm fradathai nemo vivahua u yasangha åtars baoidhîm aêtãm baoidhim dâityô-baoidhyo.
1 This seems to mean that there are seven passages of the Yasna in the celebration at the Havan Gah, at which the Zaotar lays down on the Mâhrû the Baresman which he holds in his hand. Cf. the Guimet Zend-Avesta. * In the Visperad and the Dvâzdâhômåst.
The words ahunan vairån are in Pahlavi, and thritya is omitted.
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