60. From (the time of) his being directed (to observe the duties of his Vrata) he should not eat from an earthen vessel,
61. Nor drink (from such a vessel),
62. (Or rather) from (the time of) his being taught (the Gyeshthasâmans, after the whole preparatory time, or after one third of that time), according to some (teachers).
1. On the full-moon day of Praushthapada (or) under (the Nakshatra) Hasta the Upâkarana (or opening ceremony of the annual term of Veda-study, is performed).
2. After (the teacher) has sacrificed with the Vyâhritis, he recites the Sâvitrt to the students as at the Upanayana;
3. And (he chants) the Sâvitri with its Sâman melody,
60. Regarding the directions given to the student by the teacher, see chap. I, 14.
62. See above, Sutras 31. 33.
3, 1 seq. The Upâkarana ceremony; Khâdira-Grihya III, 2, 16 seq. Regarding the different terms for this ceremony, comp. Sankhayana IV, 5, 2; Âsvalâyana III, 5, 3; Pâraskara II, 10, 2. Hiranyakesin says: sravanâpaksha oshadhîshu gâtâsu hastena paurnamâsyâm vâdhyâyopâkarma.-It seems impossible to me to adopt an explanation of this Sutra, which gives to praush/hapadî another meaning than that based on the constant use of these feminines derived from the names of Nakshatras, i. e. the day of the full moon which falls under such or such a Nakshatra. Hastena, therefore, necessarily refers to another day besides the Praush/hapadi, on which the Upâkarana may be celebrated. Perhaps we may conjecture, praushthapadîm hastena vopâkaranam.
2. Comp. above, II, 10, 39.
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