50. The Mantra has to be altered everywhere (so that he has to say), 'I have kept (the vow),' 'I have been able,' Thereby I have prospered,' 'I have undergone.'
51. The fee to be given after the study of the Parvans is, a goat for the Agni-Parvan, a ram for the Indra-Parvan, a cow for the Pavamâna-Parvan.
52. After (the student) has returned (from the forest), he should entertain his teacher and his retinue with food,
53. And his fellow-students who have come together.
54. The way to sing the Gyeshthasâmans has been explained by (the statements given with regard to) the Mahânâmni-(vrata).
55. Here the following standing duties are to be observed:
56. He should not have intercourse with a Sûdrâ
57. He should not eat bird's flesh.
58. He should avoid (constantly living on) the same grain, and in the same place, and wearing one garment.
59. He should perform the rite of 'touching water' with water drawn out (of a pond, &c.).
the Anupravakanîya ceremonies, i. e. also at those Anupravakanîya ceremonies which are connected with the study of the other texts.
50. Instead of 'I will keep the vow,' he says, 'I have kept the vow,' &c.; II, 10, 16.
51. The Parvans are the three great sections, sacred to Agni, Indra, and Soma Pavâmana, into which the first Sâmavedârkika is divided.
55. According to the commentary he has to keep these observances through his whole life.
58. Or, wearing always the same garment?
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