by another door (than the usual), or which has been cooked twice, or which has stood over-night
39. Except such as is prepared of vegetables, flesh, barley, or flour
40. Or of milk.
41. He shall avoid gathering fruits, looking into wells, running while it is raining, and taking his shoes in his hands.
42. He should not wear a scentless wreath,
43. If it is not a wreath of gold.
44. He should not use the word 'blessed' without
a reason.
45. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should with (the Mantra), 'May these' (MB. I, 8, 1) have his cows driven out.
46. When they have come back, (he should recite the Mantra), 'These which are rich in sweet' (1. 1. 2).
47. If he is desirous of thriving (in his cattle), he should lick the forehead of the first-born calf, before it is licked by its mother, and should gulp with (the formula), ('Thou art the phlegm) of the cows' (1.1. 3).
48. When the cows have calved, he should at night sacrifice in the cow-stable churned curds with drops of ghee, with (the verse), 'Seizer' (1. 1. 4).
39. anyatra sâkamâmsayavapish/avikârebhyah. 40. pâyasâk ka. 41. phalaprakayanodapânâvekshanavarshatidhâvanopânatsvayamharamâni na kuryân. 42. nâgandhâm sragam dhârayen. 43. na ked dhiranyasrag. 44. bhadram iti na vrithâ vyâharet. 45. pushfikâmo gâh prakâlayed imâ ma iti. 46. pratyâgatâ imâ madhumatîr iti. 47. pushkâma eva prathamagâtasya vatsasya prân mâtuh pralehanâl lalâtam ullihya nigired gavâm iti. 48. sampragâtâsu goshthe nisâyâm vilayanañ guhuyât samgrahanety.
45-52=III, 6.
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