ramh, to hurl :
ramháyantab, 1, 85, 5'.-rarahâb, racers, I, 134, I. raksh, to shield:
rakshata, I, 166, 8; rákshata, II, rákshas, fiend:
34, 9.
rákshab, I, 86, 9'. raghu-pátvan, swift-winged: raghu-pátvânab, I, 85, 6'. raghu-syad, swiftly gliding along : raghu-syádab, 1, 64, 7; 85, 6. ragab-túr, crossing the air: ragab-tub,VI, 66, 73; ragab-túram, chaser of the sky, 1, 64, 12'. rágas, air:
rágas, dyú, rokaná, (51; 55); rágas and parthiva, (51 seq.; 55); rágab, V, 53, 7; 59, 1; a rágab, through the air (?), (VII, 57, 3'); rágasab (pl.), X, 121, 53; maháb rágasab (Abl.), I, 6, 10; (Gen.), I, 19, 31; 168, 6.-rágas, water, rain; darkness, (I, 19, 3'); rágâmsi, clouds, mists, I, 166, 3; 4; V. V, 54, 4; rágasab vi-sárgane, when the mist is scattered, V, 59, 3. ran, to delight in (Loc.), to be pleased, to accept with pleasure (Acc.):
(85; 86); ránan, V, 53, 16; ramanta, VII, 57, 5; ranyanti, I, 38, 2'; rarânátâ, you have rejoiced, I, 171, 12.
rána, fight:
ránâya, I, 168, 9.
ránya, glorious:
rányâni, I, 85, 10. ranvá, gay:
ranvab, VII, 59, 7. rátna, treasure:
saptá rátnâ, VI, 74, 1. ratna-dhéya, gift of treasures: ratna-dhéyâni, X, 78, 8. rátha, chariot :
V, 52, 9; 53, to; VIII, 94, 1; rátheshu, I, 39, 6; 64, 9; 85, 4; 5; 87, 2; 166,9; II, 34, 8; V, 53, 2; 4; 56, 6; 7; 57, 6; 60, 3; 4; 61,12; VIII, 20, 12.-rátham, the chariot of the Maruts, I, 167, 5; V, 56, 8; ráthena, VIII, 20, 10; ráthasya, I, 88, 2; ráthe, V, 54, II; 56, 6; VIII, 7, 28; 20, 81ráthasya (Vâta's), X, 168, 1.ráthena (Vâyu's), I, 134, 1; ráthe, I, 134, 3.
ratha-túr, hastening the chariots: rathatub-bhib, I, 88, 2; rathatub, X, 77, 8.
rátha-vat, consisting of chariots: rátha-vat radhab, V, 57, 7. Rátha-viti Dârbhya:
ráthe, II, 34, 7; ráthaib-iva, V, 60, 1; ráthânâm ná arab, like the spokes of chariot-wheels, X,78,4.-ráthe, Indra's chariot, I, 6, 2.-ráthâb, the chariots of the Maruts, I, 38, 12; V, 55, I to 9; (V, 87, 32; VI, 66, 2); ráthân, V, 53, 5'; ráthebhib, I, 88, 1; V, 58, 6; ráthaib, VIII, 7, 17 ; (VIII, ao, a"); ráthânâm,
(359 seq.; 36a); (V, 61, 5); rátha-vitau, V, 61, 18; ráthavitib, V, 61, 19. rathiyánti :
rathiyántî-iva, whirling like chariotwheels, I, 166, 59. rath?, charioteer:
rathib-iva, V, 61, 17; rathyab ná, V, 87, 8; rathyab, VII, 56, 21.rathyab (didhishavab), lords of chariots, X, 78, 5.-rathyab syâma, let us carry off, V, 54,131. rathiyanti, see rathiyántî. rathe-súbh, brilliant on chariots : rathe-subham, I, 37, 1; V, 56, 9. ráthya :
ráthyab sáptib, (1, 85, 11.) rad, to scratch, to bite :
rádati, I, 166, 6; rad, to cut, to give, (222 seq.)
rada, radana, tooth: (I, 166, 6*.)
radhrá, wretched, a sluggard : radhrám, II, 34, 15; VII, 56, 201; radhrá and bhrími, (II, 34, 16.) rándhra, hollow:
ukshnáb rándhram, 'the hollow of the bull,' VIII, 7, 261. rap, to whisper : (11,33,3)-mearapat práti, V,61,9. rápas, mischief:
rápab (aturasya), VIII, 20, 261; rápasab, II, 33, 3'; 7. rapsát-údhan, whose udders are
rapsádudha-bhib, II, 34, 5.
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