apostle Aû., who destroys Dahâk, 5, lii, 121, 233-5; 24, 15, 15 n.; 47, xii sq., xxxi, 112-14, 116, 125, 127; son of Zoroaster, 5, 144, 144 n.; 37, 285; is legal, 18, 91, 91 n. Aûsikhshes, opponents of Zoroaster, descended from the demon of Wrath, 47, xiv, 143, 143 n. Aûsindôm, see Us-hindu. Auspicious marks, au. objects, see Omens.
Auspicious rites, belong to the quality of passion, 8, 324; performed for procuring success or prosperity, 14, xxxiii, 25, 76, 76 sq. n., 159, 159 sq. n., 297, 299, 306 sq., 322 sq., 329-33; 29, 226; performed by the interpreters of dreams, 22, 245; performed at the birth ceremonies of Mahâvîra, 22, 255; teaching au. r., a disreputable occupation, 25, 387, 387 n. ; 33, 223; performed on mounting a chariot, an elephant, &c., 29, 20911, 363-6; for averting disease, misfortune, evil omens, and other dangers, 29, 224-6, 432 sq.; 30, 124-9; for the obtainment of special wishes, 29, 425-8, 430-3; 30, xxviii sq., 24 sq., 114-20, 124-9, 175-9, 267, 2)5 sq., 306 sq.; performed before an ordeal, 33, 104; see also Ceremonies, Omens, Sacrifices, and Witchcraft.
Auspicious sights, see Omens. Auspicious times, see Time. Austerity, austerities, a branch of the law, 1, 35; one of the feet of the Brahmi Upanishad, 1, 153; for the sake of penance, 2, 275, 277, 283 sq.; 14, 109, 116, 125, 129, 311 sq., 323-8; 25, 451, 470, 476-9; a means of purification, 7, 96, 97; 25, 187 sq.: 48, 700; one purified by au. sanctifies a company, 7, 254; practising au. in sacred places confers eternal bliss, 7, 256; enjoined for hermits and mendicants, 7,277 sq; 14, 259, 293 sq.; 25, 202-4, 203 n.; 38, 300 sq.; 48, 695; not required for devotion, 8, 69; Krishna cannot be seen by au., 8, 98 sq.; good and bad forms of au., 8, 118-21; if not practised with a view to the fruit, a means of sanctification, 8, 122; preliminary
to acquisition of true knowledge, 8. 147, 258, 369; 15, 64, 66, 179; 48, 704; immortality, or final release, union with Brahman, supreme bliss attained by au., 8, 164-6, 164 n., 178, 247, 247 n., 300. 339; 15, 301; 25, 212, 501, 508; 45, 152; one of the twelve great observances of a Brahmana, 8, 182; leads to heaven (not to final emancipation), 8, 184, 184 n., 367; 43, 362; forms part of the conduct of the good, 8, 242, 376; a preliminary of concentration of mind, 8, 248; renunciation is the best au., 8, 312, 369; au. is the truth, 8, 315; au. and other pious works end in destruction, 8, 355; the sages attained the godhead by a., 8, 388; benefits and powers resulting from au., 8, 388 sq.; 25, 477-9, 477 sq. n.; does not purify a mortal who has not conquered his doubt, 10 (ii), 41 sq.; Pragâpati practises au. for the purpose of creation, 12, 38; 41, 145, 147, 157; 43, 375-80, 375 n., 403; prescribed for Bhikkhus, 13, 14; good conduct more important than au, 14, 34; 19, 260 sq.; practising au. makes Brahmanas worthy receptacles of gifts, 14, 38 sq.; sacred learning and au. joined together are powerful, 14, 12); staying constantly in water, 14, 136; practising au. frees from sin, 14, 176; at rites securing success, 14, 323; giving food, speaking the truth, and compassion on all living beings, better than au., 14, 328; the highest au.: pain in sickness, carrying a dead person into the forest, placing a dead person on the fire, 15, 194; one should mortify one's flesh to give up connexion with the world, 22, 39 sq.; au. the chief virtue in the Krita age, 25, 24; study of the Veda is the highest au., 25, 60 sq.; prescribed for Snâtakas, 25, 134; by practising au. one obtains the faculty of remembering former births, 25, 152; lost by self-complacency, 25, 166; higher births obtained by au., 25, 412; has the quality of goodness, 25, 491; practised by a childless wife, 33, 369; the path of the gods cannot be attained by faith
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