and au., unaided by knowledge, 38, Avalokitesvara, worshipped as a 234; the stage of life, in which au. god, 19, 207 n.; as a Saviour, 19, is the chief thing, 38, 298; there is 292 n.; a Bodhisattva Mahâsattva, no perpetuity in au., 44, 418; a 21, 4; the Bodhisattva A., if inmeans for obtaining the end of plored or his naine pronounced, sacrifice, 44, 441; enjoined for affords safety in all anxiety and Gaina monks, 22, 57 sq., 68; on protection from all dangers, 21, the religious postures of Gainz 406-16; implored by women to monks and nuns, 22, 178 sq.; the secure the birth of beautiful offtwenty-two troubles (par saha) spring, 21, 409; is capable of which a Gaina monk must cheer- assuming any shape whatever, 21, fully bear, 45, 8-15; kâyotsarga 410-12, 415; pious gift to A., 21, (particular positions of the body) 412; hymn of a loration to A., 21, and other kinds of au., 45, 159-61, 415-18; will become a Buddha by 164, 166-8, 171, 229 sq.; au. are the side of Amitabha, 21, 417; the twofold, external and internal, and Buddha-son, 49 (ii), x, xxii sq., 48, each of them is sixfold, 45, 157, 52; Mahâsthama and A. attend the 174-80; purity produced by peculiar Buddha Amitâyus, 49 (ii), 176, 178; au., 45, 157, 157 n.; of no good ineditation on A., 49 (ii), 181-7, when performed for the sake of 200; A. and Mahâsthìma preach fame, 45, 300; practised by King to the sinner, 49 (ii), 197. Suddhodana, 49 (i), 24 sq. See Avân, n.d., the water-lily is A.'s Abstinence, Asceticisin, Ascetics, flower, 5, 104; invoked, 5, 402, 405. and Mauna.
Avântaratamas, see ApântaraAutathya, husband of Mamatâ, 49 tamas. (i), 44, 44 n.
Avanti, n.pl., Maha Kakkâyana in, Authorities (four great), see Mahâ- 17, 32; there are but few Bhikkhus padesa.
in A, and the southern country, 17, Auttami, a Manu, 25, 19.
33 sq., 38 sq. ; special rules for the Autumn, see Seasons.
Bhikkhus in A. and the southern Allzâv, n.p., 5, 137.
country, 17, 33-49. Allzôbô, the Tûhmâspian, son of Avarana, 'reils, Pali t.t., 11, Tûmâsp, monarch of Iran, 5, 136, 182 11, See Hindrances. 136 n., 37, 28, 28 n.; 47, xxix, 11. Avâraostri, n.p., 23, 208. Avabhâsa, n, of a Buddha field, 21, Avare-gau, son of Aoighimatastîra, 142.
23, 218. Avabhâsaprabha, n. of a god, Avarethrabah, son of Rastare21, 4.
vaghant, 23, 209. Avabhritha, t.t., bath at the end Avarethrabau, surname of Zara
of a Soma sacrifice. See Bath. tûst, son of Atûr-pid, 37, 30, 30 n.; Avadhi, t.t., a kind of transcendent 47, xii, 87 sq. and n. knowledge, 22, 223, 268, 274, 278, Avarice, injunction against it, 6, 284; 45, 120, 12on.
27; produced from passion, 8, Avahya, son of Spen'a, 23, 217. 108 sq.; freedom from a., 8, 114, Avakâ plants (lotuses), used at 284, 332, 344; lust, anger, and a., the building of the fire-altar, 41, the threefold way to hell, 8, 117, 392 sq. ; 43, 48 sq.; mean water, 378; the self joined to a. is death, 41, 393; 43, 48 sq.; etymology of 8,155 ; one of twelve qualities to A., 43, 175; burial-ground covered be avoided, 8, 166, 181, the chief with them, 44, 436.
vice, 8, 302 sq., 302 1. ; is of the Avakâsa, t.t., certain verses so quality of darkness, 8, 320; senses
called, 44, 469 sq., 46y n., 492. caused by the production of a., 8, Avakkhedavâda, the doctrine that 335; the wheel of life rendered the soul is the highest self in so far unsteady by a. and desire, 8, 357, as limited by its adjuncts, 34, lviii, 357 11.; the Brahmakirin must be xcviii.
free from a., 8, 361.
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