18, 276; invoked and praised in noted by Sankara with the term a benediction, 18, 279, 324, 357, asmadîyâh 'ours,' 34, xx sq. 366; 24, 3 sq., 255, 255 n. ; 37, 3; Aupasvatiputra, n. of a teacher, priests of A., 18, 296 sq.; lietero- 15, 225. doxy a contest with A. and Zaratûst, Aupatasvini, see Râma Au, 18, 330; Keresâsp prays to A. for Aupavesi, see Aruna Au. heaven, 18, 371, 374, 376-8; wor- Aupavi Gânasruteya, descended ship of A. one of the best four from the upper regions, 41, 2 sq. things, 18, 417; prayer to A., Aupoditeya, i. e. Tuminga Au. 18, 442-4; to remember A. as Vaiyâghrapadya, quoted, 12, 271, creator, and Alarman as destroyer, 271 n. is good, 24, 14; gratified by Vistâsp, Aurnavâbha, n, of teachers, 15, 24, 65; by wearing the sacred 186 n. thread-girdle one is established in Aurva, miraculously born from the A.'s departinent, 24, 268 sq.; pro- thigh, 19, 2; 49 (i), 6. pitiated by prayers said before and Aurvadasp, n.p., 5, 140. after meals, 21, 284; thanksgiving Aûrvadasp, or Khrûtâsp, father of due to A., 24, 328 sq.; keeps watch Dahâk, 18, 228, 228 1. with regard to pollution by dead Allrvâitâ-dang, the Tîr, ruler of matter, 24, 353 ; sin of scorning A., the Kigs and Karaps, 47, x sq., 37, 206; the priest a friend of A., XXV sq.; Zoroaster preaches to 37, 261; benefit of worship of A., him, 47, xxx; protects Zoroaster, 37, 267; praise, obeisance, and but refuses to be converted, 47, ceremonial for the creator A., 37, 51-5, 51 n. 274 sq.; giving joy to A., 37, 31; Aûrvakhsh, n.p., 5, 137, 137 n. priests the habitation of A., 37, Aurvasara, worships Vayu and 328; daughterly reverence to A., escapes from Husravah, 23, 256 sg.; 37, 373 ; gratification of A., 37, killed by Husravah, 23, 304, 304 n. 381; ceremonial of A., 37, 346 sq.; Aurvaseya, i.e. Agastya, q.v. 47, 168; one whose spirit is con- Aûrvatad-nar, son of Zoroaster, 5, nected with A., 37, 354; priestly 142, 142 n. authority of A., 37, 393 ; about Aurvat-aspa, Kavi Vîstâspa, son of, knowing the Lord, 37, 435; advan- 23,78; other sons of Au., 23, 205 n. tage through possession of A., 37, Allshbâm, n.p., 5, 139, 139 n. 394; comes near the reciter of the Allshdâstâr, see Mountains. Vâstârem Nask, 37, 446; his boun- Allshedar, or Hûshêdar (Ukhshyadtifulness extolled by Masyê and ereta in the Avesta), son of Zaratûst, Masyaộî, 47, 6. See also Ahura- tlie future apostle, his coming, 5, lii, Mazda, Dualism, and Zoroastri- Iv sq., lviii sq., 144, 355; 18, 13, anism.
13 n., 170; 37, xxxii, 33, 33 n., 285; Allharmaad, n, of a king, father of 47, xii, 15 sq., 15 n., 94, 101, 105-7, Shâbpûr, 24, 171, 171 n.
156; his millennium, 5, lisq.n., 2 19 n., Allharmazd-dâd, n.p., Mardan- 220, 220 n., 228 n., 230-3, 230 sq.n.; farukh, his son, 24, 120.
24, 15, 15 n.; 47, xxxi, xxxiv-xxxviii, Aukathya, see Dîrghatamas Au. 107-12, 125, 127 ; when he comes, Aukshagandhi, n. of an Apsaras, the river Nahvtak will flow suitable 42, 33.
for horses, 5, 85, 85 n.; his miracuAupagandhani, see Aupaganghani. lous birth, 5, 231 n., 233 n.; is Aupaganghani, or Aupagandhani, liturgical, 18, 91, 91n.; a producer n. of a teacher, quoted by Baudha- of the renovation, 37, 437. yana as opposed to the practice of Allshedar-mâh, or Húshedar-mâh, Niyoga, 2, xx, 132 n.; 14, xl, 229, the same as Zd. Ukhshyad-nemangh, 229 n. ; in a list of teachers, 15, the future apostle, 5, lii, 355 ; 18, 119, 186 n., 187.
13, 13 n., 170; 37, 34, 34 n., 285; Aupamanyava, see Prâkinasala Au. 47, 15-17, 15 n., 107, 1 sq., Aupanishadas, or Vedântins, de- n., 156 ; millennium of the S.B. IND.
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