431-53, 455; 24, 261, 288, 322, archangeis, 5, 375-9; through next329, 331, 343, 345, 349, 360; 37, of-kin marriage one will not become 164, 193 sq., 206, 210 sq., 210 n., parted from the possession of A. 233-6, 260, 267-72, 367, 375 sq., and the archangels, 5, 389; created 379, 384-90, 453-64, 469, 474 sq.; the creatures for progress, and we 47, 54, 56, 60-2, 86, 99-105; ex- are to promote whatever is his hibits to Zoroaster the torments of wish, 18, 15 sq.; takes account of hell, 5, 350; confers omniscience the thoughts, words, and deeds of on Zoroaster, 18, 92, 92 n.; shows the creatures, 18, 33; will the to Zaratûst the state of the soul of righteous souls be able to see A.? Keresâsp, 18, 371-82; 37, 198; 18, 44 sq.; when a righteous man revealed his religion to Zoroaster, dies, A. provides a teacher to take 24, 40, 104, 170; 37, 181, 261; 47, his place, 18, 50 sq. ; the good 3, 14 sq.; chants taught by A. to creatures are, as it were, defiled Zoroaster, 37, 23; conferences of unto A., 18, 341, 341 n.; a just Zoroaster with A., 37, 29, 31 sq.; judge is like A., 24, 79 ; thai one 47, x sq., XV, 14-16, 35, 46-50, 47 n., wish which d., the lord, contemplates 64, 123, 135, 138, 157-60, 163; has as regards men is this, that "ye shall given all prosperity to Zoroaster, fully understanl me: for every one who 37, 68; produced Zoroaster with fully understands me, comes after me a goodness like his own, 37, anl strives for my satisfaction,' 24, 80 196; appoints Zoroaster as priest,
(cf. 5, 113 n.); leaves no good 37, 227; 47, 142 sq., advises
creature captive in the hands of Zoroaster, 37, 229 sq.; admonishes
enemies, 24, 138, 206; forgives sins Zoroaster to maintain his religion,
for the high-priest, 24, 289; dis37, 230 sq.; praises Zoroaster, 37,
tressed, when priests or parents are 267-9; exhibits to Zoroaster the
offended, 21, 302; blesses a liberal future existence, 37, 267; assists
man, 24, 342; gives to a person Zoroaster. 37. 201: conference of who confers a beneht upon any A. with Yim, 47, 9; argues with
mes with
one, ten
one, ten times as much, 24, 357 ; the archangels about the birth of his helpfulness in good works, 37, Zaratûst, 47, 22 sq.; sends the
20; lodgement of A. upon a good archangels to assist Zoroaster in
ruler, 37, 70; righteousness is the converting Vistâsp, 47, 67 sq.; production of true awe of A., 37, intorms Nêrysang, 47, 129, 129 n.;
233 ; is aware of all you do, 37, Zoroaster's connexion with A.
266; glorified by virtue, 37, 323; through Yim and Nêryôsang, 47,
making A. the ruler over one's own 139; religion manifested through person, 37, 334, 336 sq., 339 sq. ; Spendarmiad and A., 47, 134; sends
all excellence for A., 37, 351 sq. ; Vohu-mano to defeat Akôrnano at
he whose rule is for A., 37, 372, the birth of Zoroaster, 47, 142;
375 sq.; the guardian of a true sends archangels to protect the servant, 37, 374; he who is like infant Zoroaster, 47, 145.
him is he who is his own creature, (d) A. AND MORALITY.
37, 458. A. receives the righteous soul in (e) WORSHIP OF A. heaven, 4, 374; 18, 63-6; 24, 21, All men praise A. and the arch25, 30 sq., 274, 299; 37, 164 sq.; angels at the resurrection, 5, 126; what is within A.'s will, is good : A. and the archangels invoked and what is against his will is sin, 5, worshipped, 5, 191, 214 sq., 362, 157 sq.; will not leave his own 364 sq., 367; 18, 159 sq., 159 11., creatures unto the evil spirit, 5, 308; 167; 37, 232-4, 298, 303, 309 sq., A. and the righteous man, 5, 359; +38, 444 sq. ; meat-offering to A., protector of the righteous man, how the supreme chief,' 5, 336, 336 n.; to be propitiated, 5, 372-4; the invoked and worshipped, 5, 401, splendour of A. becoines their own 404; 18, 3, 384-7; 37, 34, 349, in heaven, when men propitiate the 395-7, 463; praised in a peroration,
Invoked ene chief, "offering 19 sq.,
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