ARDVÌ SÚRA ANAHITA--ARHAT over procreation, 23, 54 sq., 74, 285; 41, 99; appointed to guard 181 sq. ; 31, 317; — the 'Avaitis of the sacrificial horse, 44, xxviithe Greeks, 23, 52 sq.; described, xxix. 23, 77 sq., 82 sq.; hates the Daêvas, Arguna Kârtavîrya, a king, diais holy and beneficent, 23, 181; logue between him and the Ocean, the Ahurian One, the daughter of 8, 293 sq. Ahura Mazda, 31, 320 n., 321 sq.; Arhaddatta, n.p., disciple of Suprotects Zoroaster, 47, 145; guards sthita and Supratibuddha, 22, 293. the seed of Zaratûst, 5, 144, 144 n.; Arhaddatta, n.p., disciple of Sim23, 195 n.;-temple of A., 4, xli sq.; hagiri Gâtismara, 22, 293. sacrifices to A., 5, 336, 336 n.; 23, Arhat, Pali Arahat, a holy man, a 54-84; praised and worshipped, 23, saint; Arhats, saints. 30; 31, 336, 340; the Abân Yast
(n) Use of the term A., becoming an A. devoted to her, 23, 52-84 ; prayers (6) Attainments of A. to A., and the Waters, 31, 316 sq.,
(c) Worship of A. 320-4, 320 n.
(a) USE OF THE TERM A., BECOMING Arêdvisur, see Ardvî Sûra Anâhita. AN A. Aregadarsî, or Aregadharsn, n.p., Few men become A., 10 (i), 24;
ancestor of Zoroaster, 47, 34, 140. are the true Brâhmanas, 10 (i), 89Areganghant, the Turanian, 23, 212, 95; the term explained, 10 (ii), x; Aregaona, n.p., 23, 214.
he who, without being an A., preAregat-aspa,conquered by Vîstâspa, tends to be an A., is the lowest 23, 79-81,79 n., 117, 280, 306. See outcast, 10 (ii), 23 ; called Tevigga, Argâsp.
11, 162; relation between A. and Arekdvisûr (Arekdviksûr), see Ardvi Bodhisattvas in the SaddharmaSûra Anâhita.
pundarîka, 21, xxxvi sq.; epithets Aresh, falsehood of the demon A., of A., 21, 1 sq.; A. and Bhagavats 37, 241 sq.; colloquy of the demon of the past, present, and future, 22,
A. and Zaratûst, 37, 246 sq. and n. 36; title of Mahâvîra, the founder Arezahis, the, worshipped, 31, 349. of Gainism, 22, 201 ; 34, 430, 434; ArezÔ-shamana, slain by Keresâsp, 48, 517, 520; disciples of Buddha 18, 370; 23, 296.
who became A., 10 (ii), 15, 80, 95, Arezrâspâh, Arezrâspô, son of 105; 11, 110; when the five Spânsnâyôs, 37, 218 sq. and n.; came Bhikkhus were converted, there to Frashêstar for religious inquiry, were six A, in the world, 13, 102; 37, 413, 413 n.; 47, 81, 81 n. See Buddha's prophecy about the five Erezraspa.
hundred A. who are to become Arezūra, the neck of A.,' a mount future Buddhas of the name of at the gate of hell, 4, 24, 24 n., 225; Samanta-prabhâsa, 21, xxx, 198– 5, 15 n. ; 24, 58 n. See Hell (b). 204 ; list of names of A., accomArezva, Arezvâk, Av. Erezvau, high- panying Buddha, 21, 2 sq.; are never
priest, 23, 213; 47, 83-5, 83 n. born in low families, 22, 225; the Argâsp, Av. Aregat-aspa, king of the mothers of A. wake up after seeing Khyôns, defeated by Vistâsp, 5, 40, the fourteen auspicious dreams, 22, 218; 37, 24 sq. and 1., 369, 412; 246 sq.; Buddhist muns become 47, xi, xxx, 68-70, 68 n., 72 sq.. 75, Arhats, 49 (i), 200. 126, See Aregat-aspa.
(6) ATTAINMENTS OF A. Arghya, see Guests.
The blessedness of the Arhat, 10 Arg una, conversations between Kri. (i), 27-30; the Arhat cannot comshna and A., 8, 3 sq., 40-131, 197 sq., mit a serious sin, 10 (i), 70, 71 n.; 229 sq., 310-12, 393 sq.; also called the Arhat knows his former abodes, Gudakesa, a great hero in battle, sees heaven and hell, has reached 8, 37-9; Krishna is A. among the the end of births, and is perfect, 10 Pândavas, 8, 91; Krishna shows (i), 95; mystical knowledge of A., himself in his divine form to A., 8, 11, 209; the six things attained by 92-9; a mystic name of Indra, 12, A., 17, 10-13; make known their
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