ing are the two A, by which the fire music, 27, 424, 424 n.; see also of knowledge is produced, 8, 308. Music; practised at the birth cereAranyakas, or forest-books, the monies for a boy, 27, 472; introUpanishads occur in them, 1, Ixvi duced by King Wû, 28, 124; in a. sq., xci; are liturgical, 1, xci; something like the way of the Sânkhya-yoga, Vedas, and A. are superior man, 28, 307 ; siiniles of a., members of one another, and to- 36, 77, 253 sq., 369-72. gether are called Pañkaratra, 48, Architecture, how a city is built, 530; teach that all the subordinate 35, 53; 36, 208 sq. See Houses, principles have their true Self in and Viharas. Brahman, 48, 530 sq. See Aitareya- Ard, all kinds of wild flowers beâranyaka.
long to, 5, 104; Vohûman in the Aranye-nukya, t.t., 'to be recited thoughts, Srôsh in the words, 1. in in the forest,' certain oblations so the actions, 18, 18 sq., 18 n. ; i. e. called, 44, 336 sq. and n.
the argel Ashi Vanguhi, opposed by Araru, n. of a demon, 12, 57, 57 n., Varenô, 18, 270, 270 n. See Arshi64 n.; a name of evil dreams, 42, sang, and Ashi Vanguhi. 167, 485.
Ardai-fravard, meat-offering to, 5, Arask, malice,' a fiend, 5, 107 sq. 337, 337 n.; protects Zoroaster, 47, Arâst, demon of falsehood, 5, III. 145. Arâstâi, or Arâsti (Arâstih), n.p., Ardakhshir, the Kayân king, 5, 193; father of Maidhyômaungha, 5, 141, arranger and restorer of the world, 141 n., 145; 23, 203, 203 1. ; 47, 5, 199, 199 n. 163 ; brother of Pôrûshaspô, 47, Ardashir, see Artakhshatar. 155.
Ardavahist, Ardavahistô, see AshaArâsti, Arâstîh, see Årâstâî.
vahist. Arati, daughter of Mâra, 10 (ii), 159. Arda-Virâf, age of the book of, Arâti, the demon of grudge, 42, 15, 18, 397 ; allusions to next-of-kin 57, 82, 109, 172 sq., 187, 261, 423- marriage in the A., 18, 397 sq. 5; as nightmare, a naked woman, Ardhaka, Rudra the slayer of, 42, 42, 173, 424 sq.; A. and Arâtis in 155, 619 sq. doubtful connexion with Agni, 46, Ardibahist, see Ashavahist. 366, 370.
Ardibehest, see Ashavahist. Aravaostra, son of Erezvat-danghu, Ardisvang, Phl. for Ashi Vangubi, 23, 218.
23, 270 n. See Ard, Asbi Vanguhi. Arawisanasp, n.p., 5, 136.
Ardraka, n. of a prince, his disputes Arayas, demons of grudge, 42, 162, with various heretical teachers, 45, 205.
409-19; turned monk, an elephant Arbuda, a demon-serpent, slain by pays reverence to him, 45, 409 n. Indra, 42, 633 sq.; King A. Kâdra- Ardrakakkha, see Ullagakkha. veya, whose people are the snakes, Ardvî Sûra Anâhita, Phl. Arêdv - 44, 367.
sûr, Arekdviksûr, Arek dvisûr, AnaArbudi, prayer to A, and Nyarbudi bid, angel or goddess of the waters, for help in battle, 42, 123-7, 631- 4, 80, 80 n., 230; 5, 67 n. ; 04, 227, 5, 637.
227 n., 229; the undefiled water Archangels, see Amesha-Spentas. of A., 5, 90; 18, 117, 117 n.; Hôm Archdevils, see Demons.
grown at the source of A., 5, 100; Archery, as a discipline of virtue, 3, the course and benefit of the water 59, 59 n.; drinking and a. contests of A., 18, 262 sq.; the heavenly at festivals in honour of the ances- spring from which all waters flow, tors, 3, 374 sq. and n., 400 sq.; the 23, 8, 16, 52 54 sq., 57, 84, 181 sq., game of pitch-pot, 27, 50 sq. ; 28, 356 sq. her descent from heaven, 397-401; ceremonies connected 23, 52, 55-8, 73 sq.; runs from with a. competitions, 27, 56 sq., 59; mount Hukairya into the sea Vouri28, +46-53, 462 ; instruction in a., Kasha, 23, 174, 181 sq.; - protects 27, 233, 478 ; 36, 253 sq.; and lying-in women, 4, 230; watches
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