the Bhikkhus who are lamps unto themselves shall reach the very topmost height, i.e. A. or Nirvana, 11, 39, 39 n.; and ere long he attained to that supreme goal of the higher life for the sake of which noble youths go out from all and every household gain and comfort to become houseless wanderers-yea, that supreme goal did he, by himself, and while yet in this visible world, bring himself to the knowledge of, and continue to realize, and to see face to face! And he became conscious that rebirth was at an end, that the higher life had been fulfilled, that all that should be done had been accomplished, and that after this present life there would be no beyond! 11, 110; 17, 9; 20, 384 sq.; is the uprooting of the upâdâna, 11, 148 n.; three qualities required for A., 11, 210 sq. n.; how a Bhikkhu may obtain A., emancipation of heart and of mind, 11, 218; A. and the Ten Fetters, 11, 222; more important than Nirvâna, 11, 243 sq.; the Asavas, and the theory of A., 11, 293 sq.; the supreme goal, after which there is no rebirth, 17, 9 sq.; Sona attained to A., 17, 10; Dabba realized A., when seven years old, 20, 4 sq.; real A. obtained by Buddha-knowledge, 21, 115; it is an artifice of Buddha that he teaches Nirvâna at the stage of A., 21, 189; the merit of establishing a man in A., 21, 330 sq., 334; stages leading up to A., 21, 330 sq.; 35, 25-9, 25 sq. n., 55 sq.; the seven conditions of A., 35, 52, 58; 36, 137 n.; a layman, who has attained to A., must either die, or become a Bhikkhu, 35, 233; 36, 96-8; discussions about A., 36, xxiii, xxvi sq.; supreme attainment, the only condition of A., 36, 56-8; what is the use of becoming a recluse, if laymen can attain to A., 36, 56-8: the fruits of the various stages of A., 36, 215 sq.; A., 'the jewel of emancipation, 36, 224 sq.; previous keeping of the vows, a condition of A., 36, 254 sq.; similes showing what qualities a Bhikkhu must have to realize A., 36, 275373; four paths of A., 36, 338. See also Nirvana.
Insight' by delivering a discourse in the presence of Buddha, 17, 10-13; compared to middle-sized plants, 21, 126 sq.; go to heaven to see Sakka, 35, 11 sq.; read the thoughts of others, 35, 18, 23; suffer no mental pain, do not carry favour nor bear malice, 35, 69 sq.; cannot be angry or offended, 35, 152 sq.; pure and free from stain, 35, 200; are not afraid of death, 35, 206-10; are without fear, 35, 297-300; the Arhat (called Brahmana) described, 36, 26-8, 28 n.; suffers bodily pain, but not mental, 36, 75-8; cannot offend against moral law, but against the Rules of the Order, 36, 98-101; every A. knows about emancipation &c., 36, 100; dwell in Nirvâna, 36, 191,193; the sevenfold wisdom of A., 36, 207 sq., 218, 220, 229, 231 sq., 233; morality of Bhikkhus and A., 36, 221, 221 n.; Bhikkhus and A. of different degrees, officers in the 'city of Righteousness,' 36, 231-9; having conquered all evil, they enter Nirvana, 49 (i), 177, 179. (c) WORSHIP OF A.
The foolish man scorns the rule of
the A., 10 (i), 46, 46 n.; so long as the Vaggians support the A., so long they will prosper, 11, 4; a true hearer of the Tathagata is worthy of a dâgaba, 11, 94 sq.; the world would not be bereft of A., if brethren were to live the perfect life, 11, 107 sq., 107 n.; 35, 186-9; an A. not to be addressed by his private name, 19, 173; must always be saluted, 20, 196; are not to be acknowledged as such, if they do not firmly believe in the law of Buddha, 21, 42 sq.; obeisance to the A., &c., the principal benediction, 22, 217; the Bodisat as an elephant honoured the A., 36, 20-2; miracles at the graves of A., 36, 174-6; the Bhikshu shall associate with A. and other saints, 36, 358; the commandments well proclaimed by the A., 45, 251. See also Arhatship, Holy persons, Saints, and Saintship. Arhatship, or saintship, the noble cightfold path which ends in, 11, ix; attained by Salba, Khanna, Sâriputra, 11, 25; 20, 385; 21, 61;
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