avoiding of names in the a. t., 28, 18; demeanour in the a. t., 28, 25; use of music in the a. t., 28, 101, 127 sq.; prayer-officers of the a. t., 28, 116; placing the spirit-tablets in the a. t., 3, 488; 27, 168, 168 n., 171 sq., 192, 313, 313 n.; 28, 48, 50-2, 56 sq., 65-7, 136 sq., 156, 159 sq., 163; two spirit-tablets in one temple shrine, 27, 323 sq.; removal of spirit-tablets from their shrines, 27, 324 sq.; guarding the spirit-tablets in the ruler's absence, 27, 355, 358; from dignity of a. t. arose importance of altars of the land and grain, 28, 67; consecration of an a. t., 28, 169 sq.; emoluments, rank, rewards conferred in the a. t., 28, 233, 247; site for the a. t., 28, 235; ceremonies in the a. t., 28, 258 sq., 262; rulers always lodge in the a. t., 28, 351; capping ceremony performed in the a. t., 28, 427; to secure services in the a. t. one of the ends of marriage, 28, 428; marriage ceremonies in the a. t., 28, 428 sq., 432. (e) A. W. IN PARSI RELIGION.
Sacrifice for the departed soul offered up to Sraosha, 4, 136, 136 n.; 18, 59-63; funeral oblations for the soul of a killed dog, 4, 169; appointed feasts of the ancestors, 5, 208; funeral cakes offered to Rashnû, Âstâd, and Vâê, 5, 383; tenth-day, monthly, and annual ceremonies for the departed, 5, 383; ceremony of the guardian spirits of the righteous in honour of the departed, 18, 173, 173 n.; daily and annual ceremonies for the departed to be performed by the heir, 18, 184, 184 n.; annual worship of the Fravashis as the souls of the dead, 23, 192 sq., 192 n.; offerings to the Fravashis, 23, 197; attending the souls of parents and relatives an indispensable good work, 24, 264; consecration of sacred cakes, 24, 272-4; sacred feast (myazd) in honour of the souls, 24, 273 sq., 283; why ceremonies in honour of the departed souls must be celebrated, 24, 273-5; sacred cakes and ceremonial, sacred feast and benedictions for the departed souls
on the ten days of the Fravashis, 24, 298-300; Fravashis and souls of departed worshipped, 31, 273, 275, 279; sacrifice to the souls of
the dead, 31, 331; Âfrînagân,
prayers recited at meals in honour of the deceased, 31, 367-75; adoption for the benefit of departed souls, 37, 147; the departed claim ceremonial, not lamentation, 37, 193; reverencing the spirit of a kinsman, 37, 231. See also Fravashis, and Funeral rites. Ancestral Temples, see Ancestor Worship (d). Ancient One, the, see God. Andar, or Andra, Zd. Indra, one of the six demons of Aharman, 5, 10, 10 n.; his business, 5, 106 sq.; smitten by Ashavahist, 5, 128, 128 n.; opposed to the wearing of a sacred girdle, 37, 182, 182 n.; see also Indar,
and Indra. Andhaka, n. of a demon slain by Siva, 42, 620.
Andhakas, n. of a people, suffered destruction, 49 (i), 116. Andhakavinda, n.pl., Maha Kassapa going from A. to Râgagaha, 13, 254; Buddha at A., 17, 87. Andhakavrishni, Rathanêmi is an A., 45, 118. Andhras, in the code of Manu, 7, xxiv. Andra, see Andar. Aneran, Zd. anaghra, boundless (space), see Space. Anga, n.p., converted by Buddha, 19, 241.
Angas. n. of a people, Takman (fever) delivered over to them, 42, 2, 446, 449. Angas, see Vedangas, and Gaina. Angels.
(a) In Mohammedanism. (b) In Parsi religion. (c) In Buddhism. (a) IN MOHAMMEDANISM.
Arabian belief in a., 6, xi, xiii; Muslim belief in a., 6, lxviii sq.; guard the gates of heaven, 6, cvi; 9, 168; God addresses the a. at the creation, 6, 4 sq.; bear witness to what God revealed, 6, 95; adore Adam, 6, 138, 246; 9, 8, 19 sq., 43 sq., 181; Mohammed asked to bring down a., 6, 245; visit
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