Abraham, 6, 247 sq.; 9, 120; called 'daughters of God' by the Arabs, 6, 256 n.; are not the daughters of God, 9, 5, 212; are not females, 9, 250, 252; if a. were walking on the earth, God would have sent an angel as His apostle, 9, 11; the a. only descend at the bidding of the Lord, 9, 31 sq. and n.; are servants of God, 9, 48, 174; God makes the a. His messengers, endued with wings, 9, 157; oaths by the a, who execute God's behests, 9, 168, 314, 314 n., 318, 318 n. ; circling round His throne celebrate the praises of God, 9, 190 sq., 202, 205; obey God in what He bids them, 9, 291; ascend unto God, 9, 300 sq.; the nineteen a. of hell, 9, 309; descend in the night of power,' 9, 337; assist the believers in battle, 6, 61 sq., 164, 169, 169 n.; God sends guardian a. to watch over men, 6, 122, 233; sent down to warn men that there is no other God, 6, 251; receive the good in Paradise, the unbelievers in hell, 6, 235, 253; the two numberers or recording a., 9, 72, 243, 243 n.; recording a. note down the secret plots of the infidels, 9, 217; pray for the believers, 9, 191; the lower heaven adorned with guardian a., 9, 200; descend upon the believers, to encourage them, 9, 201 sq.; ask forgiveness for men, 9, 205; the a. (Munkir and Nakîr) take the souls to account, 9, 232; the a. back up him who repents, 9, 291; the spirit and the a. stand in ranks on the last day, 9, 317; guardian a. set over men, writing down what they do, 9, 323; every soul has a guardian angel, 9, 328. (b) IN PARSI RELIGION.
The a. were contending in the world ninety days and nights with the demons of the evil spirit, 5, 19; fire produced under the guidance of the a., 5, 55 sq.; a good king equal to the a., 24, 44; a. and archangels in heaven, 24, 83 sq.; Aûharmazd formed an assembly of a. and archangels, 24, 104; prepared out of fire, 24, 178; four a. round the throne of God, 24, 224; for each man an angel is stationed on the
right-hand side, and two a. for the priests, 24, 283; every man of fifteen years must take an angel as his patron spirit, 24, 288 sq.; days named after the a., 37, 34 sq., 35 n.; a. and archangels, see Amesha-Spentas. (c) IN BUDDHISM.
The angel hosts of the guardian a., 11, 48; how many a can stand on the point of a gimlet (needle), 11, 88 n., 315; are the constant attendants of the preachers of the Lotus, 21, 278; see also Gods. Anger, let a man overcome a. by love, 10 (i), 58 sq.; Buddha preaches against lust and a., 19, 263-5; the Bhikshu must be free from a. and hate, 19, 299 sq. See also Passion, and Wrath. Anghâri, n. of a Gandharva, guardian of Soma, 26, 72. Anghuyu, n.p., the Fravashi of A. worshipped, 23, 215; 31, 351. Angir, Atharvan told the knowledge of Brahman to him, 15, 27. Angiras.
(a) A. in the singular, n. of a Rishi, and a mythical being.
(b) A. in the plural, a family of priests or
(c) A. in the plural, a class of divine beings.
A. meditated on the udgîtha, 1, 6; Bharadvâga told the knowledge of Brahman to A., 15, 27; A. told the science of Brahman to Saunaka, 15, 42; 48, 284; surpassed by his son Sukra, 19, 10; 49 (i), 8; Sukra and A. honour Indra in heaven, 19, 95; 49 (i), 93; remodelled the Manusmriti, 25, xcvi; 33, xii, 274; a sage and a Pragâpati, 25, 14; Kavi, son of A., 25, 58; the sacred texts revealed by Atharvan and A., 25, 436, 436 n.; ceremonies performed A.-like, 41, 154, 201 sq., 205 sq., 214, 227, 233-5, 241-4, 246, 307; Atharvan, A., and Bhrigu as fire-priests, 42, xxiii, xxvii, xxx, xxxii, xxxiv, lvii sq.; oblations to Bhrigu and A., 42, Ivii; Brihatsàman, the descendant of A., 42, 171; and Atharvan rule over the heavens, 42, 225; Agni worshipped by A., 46, 42, 102; a name or epithet of
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