representatives of the dead at the cup and spirits, to be used for sacrisacrifice to the ancestors, 3, 365, ficing in the a. t., 3, 427, 427 n. ; 'the 365n, 366 n., 367, 367 n., 369; ancestral chamber,' 3, 432, 432 n.; the personators of the departed to preserve their a. t. the duty of spirits respond, blessing the sacri- high ministers, 3, 470, 470 n.; King ficer, 3, 401 sq.; the impersonators Wan sacrificed to in the Brilliant of the deceased should sit with Hall as the correlate of God, 3, 477 ; gravity, 27, 62, 62 n.; a son must there will be progress and success not act as personator of the dead if a king repairs to the a. t., using at a. w., 27, 69, 69 n.; the repre- great victims, 16, 156 sq., 158 sq. n.; sentative of the dead and the officer the king goes to his a. t., 16, 194, of prayer, 39, 170, 352; Kang-sang 196 n., 261; filial piety displayed Khû worshipped as the representa- in the king's worshipping in the a. t., tive of the departed, 40, 75.
16, 250 sq.; a sincere worshipper (d) CHINESE ANCESTRAL TEMPLES. maintains his a. t., 16, 256; cere
Yâo hands the government over mony of the banquet following the to Shun 'in the temple of the sacrifice in the a. t. 27, 57 sq.; 28, Accomplished Ancestor,' 3, 38, 38 n., 446, 454-7; a ruler shall dismount on the first day of the first month in passing the a. t., 27, 97; the a. t. of the year after Yao's death, Shun must be first attended to in the went to the temple of the Accom- erection of buildings, 27, 103 sq. ; plished Ancestor,3,41; appointment ancestral temples ot great officers, of an arranger in the Ancestral graves of minor officers, 27, 107; Ten.ple, 3, 44; new kings appointed the grand minister of the a. t., one in a temple dedicated to the spirits of the six grandees, 27, 109; pulling of the ancestors, 3, 51, 51 n.; if the down part of the wall of the a. t. at king be not virtuous it will bring the funeral, 27, 144; wailing of the ruin of his ancestral temple, 3, the ruler when the shrine of his 95; spirits of the a. t. worshipped father burned, 27, 190; duty of the by the pious, 3, 96; to retain a ruler to attend to the observances place in the seven-shrined a. t. is of the a. t., 27, 217; plan of an a sufficient witness of virtue, 3, 102, a. t., 27, 224 n. ; vessels of an a. t. 102 n.; Shâu discontinued the offer - not to be sold, 27, 238; first-fruit ings in the a. t., 3, 126, 130; after offering in the a. t., 27, 271, 274 ; his successful war Wû sacrifices at autumnal sacrifice in the a. t., 27, the a. t. 3, 133 n., 134 ; ' guests' of 293 ; provisions for worship in the sovereigns assist in the services in a. t., 27, 308 sq. ; offerings in the the a. t., 3, 162, 162 n.; shrines of a. t., on a prince's taking a journey, sovereigns in the a. t. 3, 303, 311, 27, 314 sq., 326; the new wife 313 sq., 322, 326 n., 328 sq. ; fish- presented in the a. t., 27, 322; grand offering in the a. t. 3, 324 sq.; sacri- a. t. taking fire, causes interruption ficial service in the a. t., 3, 365-8, of ceremonies, 27, 328-30 ; pro474 sq. and n.; 27, 112, 115, 218, ceedings in the a. t., rules of pre220, 223-7, 261, 261 n., 264, 278, cedence, 27, 354, 357; marriage, 285, 289, 294 sq., 307 sq., 385 sq., capping, deaths, and sacrifices an411 sq., 422 sq., 435, 459 ; 28, 32, nounced in the a. t., 27, 355 sq., 50. sq., 263, 271, 308-11; the officers 358; emperor lodges in the a. t., of Yin assist at the libations in the when visiting a feudal prince, 27, a. t. of the Kâu, 3, 379, 379 n.; an- 375; to die for the a. t., the prerocestral temples raised by rulers and gative of the ruler, 27, 379; number officers, 3, 384,384 n., 424; 16, 341, of shrines in a. t., 27, 397; services 342 n.; 28, 204-6; reverence ex- in the a. t., a natural duty, 27, 397; hibited in the a. t., 3, 388, 485 sq.; presentation of a cup at sacrifices 27, 191, feast and archery contest in the a. t., 27, 399; in the sacrifices at the close of the sacrifice in the of the a. t. there is the utmost exa. t., 3, 399-401; a gift of a libation pression of humanity, 27, 413; no
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