164 seq., offering to, 358; ob- tains the forms from Agni, 314; victim and stake for Tvashtri, II, 177; pasanam ishte, (? 153), 180; spits upon the head of a victim, 202; fashions the seed, 367; dispenser of boons and
healer, 374. tyåga, dedicatory formula, I, 303.
upayaga, by-offerings of Pratipra
sthầtri, II, 204 ; eleven, 210, 212; four additional (aty-upa
yag), 214. upayama, formula of support,' II,
259 seq. Ordbvanabhas (? Vậyu), son of the
Maruts, II, 198. Urvasi, I, 389; II, 91. urvi, I, 136. ushânâ (the Soma-plant), 11, 314. ushxisha, II, 392. utkara, I, 25, 54. utpavana, 1, 76. uttara, II, 2. uttarâhi, II, 50. uttaravedi, 1, 388, 392, 393, 417; II,
113; is Vak, 115; measure of, 116; is a woman, 120.
udâna, I, 19, 76, 120. udavasâniyeshti, II, 389. udayaniyeshti, ii, 48, 51, 386 seq. Udgâtri, I, introd. xx seq.; chanting
of, II, 307 seq., 310; exchanges
looks with Patnî, 368. udgitha, IT, 310. udumbara post in Sadas), II, 141;
made of the sacrificer's size,
142; touching of, 448, 453, 454. udumbara wood, food and strength,
II, 34. uktha (= sastra), II, 294, 313. ukthavîrya, 11, 327. Ukthya-graha,I1, 292 seq., 332, 336;
distribution among hotrakas, 295 seq., 339, 370; -sthålî and
pâtra, 293. Ukthya sacrifice, II, 326, 370, 397. ulik hala, I, 26. Unnetri, calls for the sraushat at
the hâriyogana libation, II, 372;
two Unnetris, 417. upabhrit, I, 67 seq., 139; portions
of victim for upabhrit, II, 205. upakarana, the introducing of the
stotra, II, 401. upåmsu-graha, II, 238 seq., 244,
248; offered, 255; is the day,
and offered at night, 261. * upâmsu-savana, stone, II, 238; is
Aditya Vivasvat, 240, 256, 354. upâmsuyaga (low-voiced offering),
1, 118, 192, 372. upanamuka, 1, 326. uparava, sounding-hole, II, 135 seq. upasad (homage or siege), II, 104
seq.; three, 108; or twelve, 109; the fasting connected with
them, 110; at sattras, 442. upasargani, I, 42, 65. upastarana, 1, 192. upavaktri, II, 452. upavasatha, fast-day, I, 1, 5, 291; I1,
223. upavesha, 1, 33, 125.
Vågapeya, II, 398. Vagasaneyaka, 1, introd. xxxix. Vagasaneyinab, i, introd. xxxvi seq. Vaikarnau, I, introd. xlii. vaisargina oblations, II, 155 seq.,
442. Vaisvadeva (seasonal sacrifice), 1, 383
seq.; cake to Agni, 386; karu for Soma, ib.; cake for Savitri, ib.; karu for Sarasvatî, ib.; cake for Maruts, 387; payasya to Visve devâb, 388; cake to
Heaven and Earth, ib. Vaisvadeva-graha, II, 323 seq., 359
seq.; (mahâ-), 360. Vaisvadeva-sastra, II, 360 seq. Vaisvanara-graha, II, 298. Vâk (speech) and Manas (mind), 1,
124 seq.; II, 55 seq.; inherited by Asuras and gods respectively, II, 30; Vâk wooed by Yagnia, 30 seq.; sent by the gods to the Gandharvas, 53; given as dakshina to the Angiras, 114; becomes a lioness, 115; Våk speaks intelligibly in men, 267, 268; her thousandfold progeny, 414, 436; pith of Vâk,
450. Vâkaspati, lord of speech, is the
out-breathing, II, 250. vákovâkya, II, 453. vakshva, 11, 384. Vâmadevya-saman, I, 222. vamsa (roof-beam), I1, 3, 146. vamsas, lists of, 1, introd. xxxiv.
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