vanaspati (lord of forest, tree), obla
tion to, 11, 208, 395; is Soma,
108. vapa, omentum, cut out and roasted,
II, 194 seq.; offered, 198, 392. vapasrapani, omentum-spit, II, 194. varsha, varshâb, I, 315. Vârshnya (Vârshxa), II, 2. Varuna, noose of, 1, 72, 391;
II, 161; (noose of sacred order), 181; knot, I, 73; rope, II, 57, 181; he establishes the fire and becomes king Varuna, I, 313; is the brightlyburning fire, 340; the waxing moon, 380 (cf. Mitra, the wan- ing); seizes creatures by disease, 391, 398; is the Kshatra, 393, 401; the ram his victim, 395; Varuna guardian of conjugal vow, 397; Agni, Varuna, and Indra, leaders of gods, 449 seq.; oblation to Varuna and the Maruts, 394, 395; Varuna attended by Adityas, I1, 93 ; swearing by Varuna (?), 216; animal offering to, 221; Varuna the Kshatra, cannot exist without the priest- hood, 270; strikes king Soma in the eye, 281; Varuna, Mitra, and Agni, 285; king Varuna has
made a path for the sun, 380. Varunapraghảsâb (seasonal sacrifice),
I, 384, 391 seq.; cake to Indrágni, 393; payasyâ to Varuna and to the Maruts, 394; cake to Ka, 395; dishes of karambha (porridge) to Varuna and the
Maruts, 395 seq. vasâ, fat gravy, II, 205; offered
(vasáhoma), 307. vasáhomahavanî, II, 203. vasatîvari water, II, 147, 322 seq.;
carrying around of, 225, 454; etymology, 226, 231; meets the water in Maitrâvaruna cup, 235; in the Hotri's cup it be
comes the Nigrábhyâb, 236, 293. vashat (vaushat), 1, 88, 135, 143, 171,
193 seq., 197 seq., 198. Vasisht bayagña, 1, 376. Vastavya (Rudra), I, 200. Vasu, 1, 176; the Vasus accompany
Rudra, 59, Agni, II, 93; Indra with Vasus, Rudras, and Adityas, 241, 350; eight Vasus,
eleven Rudras, twelve Adityas,
411. vâyavya, Soma-cups, II, 158, 267. Vâyu (with Agni and Sürya), I, 325,
327; II, 453; oblation of drops (stoka) to Vayu, II, 195; sent by the gods to ascertain if Vritra be slain, 265; leader of beasts, 361;
libation to Pragapati-Vayu, 451. veda, bunch of grass, 1, 41, 84. vedi, etymology, 1, 60; measure and
construction of, 62 seq.; lustration of, 423 ; Soma-altars prepared, II, 111; vedi is as large
as the earth, 175. Vedic science, threefold, I, 24. victim, kinds of, I, 50; killing of,
II, 178 seq.; mode of killing, 189; skinning and cutting open, 193 seq.; cutting up, 200 seq. ; offering of portions, 204 seq. ; touching of, 209; the eleven, 218 seq.; those suitable for certain forms of sacrifice, 312, 313,
428, 429. Videgha Mathava, 1, introd. xli seq.,
104 seq. Videhas, I, introd. xlii. vidhriti, stalks of grass laid across
the barhis, I, 93 ; 11, 89. vikankata tree, when created, 1, 325. virág, I, u; II, 68, 112; incom
plete, 1, 390; II, 374. vis, serves the Kshatra, 1, 393 ; eat
no offerings, 398; is the Kshatriya's food, II, 66; go down
before a Kshatriya, 228. Vishxu, three steps of, 1, 15, 268 ;
II, 155; Vishnu a dwarf, 1, 59; etymology, 73; is the upper (Agai the lower) half of the sacrifice, II, 12; is the consecrated, 29; formula referring to Vishnu used for atonement, 35; Agni, Soma, and Vishnuform the thunderbolt, 108; fixed like an eye in the heavens, 172; to
Vishnu belong the Yagus, 436. vishrava, II, 309. vishtuti, II, 308 seq. vishuvant day, II, 427. visvadhâyas, 1, 188. visvakarman, 1, 188. Visvakarman, offering to, I, 419;
with the Adityas, II, 193; Indra, 431,
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