creatures, ib.; wards off evil spirits, II, 77; given as dakshina to the Angiras, 114; the soul of the universe, 343; Indra, Agni and Sarya, superior to
others, 402. Sushna, the Dânava, enters the eye
of man, II, 14. svaga, 1, 244, 259; II, 379. svâhâ, I, 324 (derivation of), 148 seq.,
153; II, 252. svaru, chip, II, 173, 186. Svetaketu (Auddálaki), I, introd.
xli seq., 11, 100, 314. Svishtakrit, I, 129, 151, 199 seq.,
372. syenahrita plant, a substitute for
Soma-plants, II, 422.
sraushat, I, 132, 140, 142, 239. Srauta-sacrifices, I, 26. Sriñgayas, a prosperous tribe, 1, 376. srità vadâna, I, 429. sruk, offering-spoon, I, 67; II, 20, 23. sruva, dipping-spoon, I, 68; II, 20. staff, the Dikshita's, a thunderbolt,
11, 34; reaches up to his mouth,
ib. stambayagur-harana, 1, 55; II, 118. stoma, kinds of, 11, 308. stomayoga, II, 311. stotra, twelve at Agnishtoma, II,
303; preparation (upakarana)
for, 307 seq. ; 325 seq. strainer, straining-cloth. See pa
vitra, dasâpavitra. Subrahmanya,priest,drives the Soma
cart, II, 77; litany, 81, 330. Sadra, must not enter the prâkina
vamsa, II, 4. Sukanya, daughter of Saryâta Ma
nava, II, 273. Sukra graha, II, 278 seq., 316 seq.,
332. súktavāka, I, 236 seq., 247 seq., 405. salâvabhritha, spit-bath, II, 215. Sun, rays of, are the righteous dead,
I, 269; are purifiers, II, 18; they are the gods, 224; the sun is the final goal, I, 271; moving north and south, 289; (Vivasvat) is the Âditya, 11, 13; the eye, 39; wards off evil spirits, 77; is Indra, 96; (sürya) given as dakshina to the Angiras, 114; its rays are the gods sipping motes of light, 254; the lotus of the heavens, 277; offering to, 342; the eye of Mitra, Varuna,
and Agni, 343. Sunåsiriya (seasonal sacrifice), I, 384,
444 seq. sunwise circumambulation. Cf. pra-
dakshina, dakshinikära, prasa-
lavi. Suparni (and Kadra), II, 52 seq.,
149 seq.; is Vâk, 149. Suparníkâdrava (Sauparnakådrava),
II, 150. Suplan Sârngaya, I, 376. sürpa, winnowing-basket, 1, 11, 30,
398. Sarya (with Agni and Vậyu), I, 325,
327; II, 453 ; Sürya is death, 1, 343 ; his rays attached to
Taittiriyas, I, introd. xxvi seq. Takshan, recites for Åruni, I, 335. tanu, II, 10. tandhavir-ishti, 1, 304, 317. Tanûnapât, 1, 146 seq., 152; is Vayu,
11, 94, 95. TânQnaptra, covenant of Tanûnapât,
11, 93 seq. tapas (austerity), world conquered
by, II, 111. thousand, one, divided by three, II,
63. thunderbolt, composed of anika,
salya, and kulmala, II, 108. Tittiri (slokab), 1, introd. xxxviii. Traikakuda ointment, II, 15. trayi vidya, II, 436. trees, fit for sacrificial purposes, 1,90. Trikakud, mount, originally Vritra's
eye, II, 15. trirâtra (sahasradakshina), II, 414. Trishrubh, is the sky, 1, 195, 205;
the air, 234; the kshatra, II,
87. Trita, I, introd. xvii, 47 seq. Tritiya-savana, II, 350 seq.; belongs
to Gagati, 250. Tryambakâb (seasonal offerings), I,
437 seq.; offered to Rudra, 438. tryanga, the three limbs, the portion
of Agni svishtakrit in animal
offerings, II, 205, 307. Tuminga Aupoditeya, I, 271. Tura Kâvasheya, I, introd. XXXI
seg. Tutha (the brahman), II, 344. Tvashtri, father of Visvarūpa, I, 47,
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