thou!' whereby they make the high altar unassailable by evil spirits ; for they are about, in walking round it, to pass by the fire : hereby, then, they propitiate it, and so the fire does not injure them, while they walk round it on different sides?
16. The Adhvaryu walks round it (on the north side) with (Vág. S. VII, 13), ‘Abounding in heroes, producing heroes'--for to this (libation) corresponds the eater, and the hero is the eater : hence he says, 'Abounding in heroes, producing heroes!'-—'encompass thou? the sacrificer with growth of wealth!' By saying 'Encompass thou the sacrificer with growth of wealth!' he invokes a blessing upon the sacrificer.
17. And the Pratiprasthâtri walks round (on the south side) with (Vâg. S. VII, 18),· A bounding in creatures, producing creatures'—for to this (libation) corresponds the food, and the creatures, the people, are the food : hence he says, 'Abounding in creatures, producing creatures,'—'encompass thou the sacrificer with growth of wealth!' By saying 'Encompass thou the sacrificer with growth of wealth!' he invokes a blessing on the sacrificer.
18. They step out (from the altar) after closing the two (cups with their hands): thereby they make them invisible; whence no one sees yonder sun and moon when they go forward (eastwards). Having gone round to the front (of the stake), they uncover (the cups), and offer them while standing in front : thereby they make them visible; whence every one
1 The Petersburg Dictionary takes 'vi-pari-i' in the sense of 'to turn round.' Cf. Kâty. IX, 10, 8; vividham dakshina uttaratas ka paribhogam ishyantau (!),' Sâyana.
2 Or, walk round to the sacrificer.'
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