offerings) and for him (the Pratiprasthầtri) who performs the by-offerings. And because he offers them by (in addition to) the offering (Adhvaryu), therefore they are called by-offerings. And in performing the by-offerings, he produces (offspring)', since he performs the by-offerings behind (the altar), and froin behind offspring is produced from woman.
11. He offers the by-offerings with (Vág. S. VI, 21), 'Go thou to the sea, Hail!' The sea is water, and seed is water : he thereby casts seed.
12. 'Go thou to the air, Hail!' It is into (along) the air that offspring is born: into the air he produces (offspring).
13. 'Go thou to the divine Savitri, Hail! Savitri is the impeller of the gods : impelled by Savitri he thus produces creatures.
14. "Go thou to Mitra and Varuna, Hail!' Mitra and Varuna are the out-breathing and inbreathing: he thus bestows out-breathing and inbreathing on the creatures.
15. 'Go thou to the day and the night, Hail!' It is through (along) day and night that offspring is born : through day and night he causes creatures to be born.
16. Go thou to the metres, Hail!' There are seven metres; and there are seven domestic and seven wild animals: both kinds he thus causes to be produced.
17. Go thou to heaven and earth, Hail!' For, Pragâpati, having created the living beings,
* Praivainam tag ganayati,'he causes it (the victim) to be born (again), Kårva rec. The above passage has apparently to be understood in a general sense, he causes birth to take place among living creatures.'
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