enclosed them between heaven and earth, and so these beings are enclosed between heaven and earth. And in like manner does this (offerer), having created living beings, enclose them between heaven and earth.
18. He then makes additional by-offerings (atiupayag). Were he not to make additional by-offerings, there would only be as many living beings as were created in the beginning; they would not be propagated; but by making additional by-offerings he indeed propagates them; whence creatures are again born here repeatedly?
Fifth BRAHMANA. 1. He makes the additional by-offerings :-with 'Go thou to the sacrifice?, Hail!' The sacrifice is water, and seed is water : he thus casts seed.
2. 'Go thou to Soma, Hail!' Soma is seed : he thus casts seed.
3. 'Go thou to the heavenly ether, Hail!' The heavenly ether is water, and seed is water : he thus casts seed.
4. Go thou to Agni Vaisvanara, Hail!' Agni Vaisvânara ('belonging to all men') is this earth, and she is a safe resting-place : upon that safe resting-place he thus produces (creatures).
5. He then touches his mouth, with, Give me mind and heart!' thus indeed the by-offerer does not throw himself after (the oblations into the fire).
6. Thereupons they perform the Patnfsamyâgas
i Or, by making additional by-offerings he reproduces them: whence creatures are born here returning again and again' (metempsychosis).
9 The Kanva text (as the Taitt. S.) reverses the order of this and the following formula. Nor does it begin a new Brahmana here.
• Having completed the last after-offering, the Adhvaryu, in the
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