Then the Bodhisattva Mahâsattva Bhaishagyaråga immediately said to the Lord: To those young men or young ladies of good family, O Lord, who keep this Dharmaparyâya of the Lotus of the True Law in their memory or in a book, we will give talismanic words 1 for guard, defence, and protection ; such as, anye ? manye mane mamane kitte karite same, samitâvi, sânte, mukte, muktatane, same avishame, samasame, gaye, kshaye, akshine, sânte sani, dharani âlokabhâshe, pratyavekshani, nidhini, abhyantaravisishte, utkule mutkule, asade, parade, sukanksht, asamasame, buddhavilokite, dharmaparikshite, sanghanirghoshani, nirghoshani bhayâbhayasodhant, mantre mantrâksha yate, rutakausalye, akshaye, akshavanatâya, vakule valoda, amanyatâya 3. These words of charms and spells, O Lord, have been pronounced by reverend Buddhas (in number)
i Dharanîpadâni.
* In giving these words I have followed the Camb. MS., even where the readings would seem to be incorrect.
The list in Burnouf's translation seems in many respects more correct; it is as follows: anye manye, arau parau amane mamane kitte karite; same samitâ visânte, mukte muktatame same avisamasame, gaye kshaye akshaye akshîne sânte samite dharani alokabhâse pratyavekshani dhiru viviru abhyantaranivishte abhyantarapârisuddhi, utkule mukule arade parade sukankshi asamasame buddhivilokite dharmaparikshite pratyavekshani sanghanirghoshani nirghoshani bhayavisodhani mantre mantrakshayate rutakausalya akshayavanatâ vakkulavaloka amanyatâye. All these words are, or ought to be, feminine words in the vocative. I take them to be epithets of the Great Mother, Nature or Earth, differently called Aditi, Pragña, Mâyâ, Bhavânî, Durga. Anyâ may be identified with the Vedic anyâ, inexhaustible, and synonymous with aditi. Most of the other terms may be explained as synonymous with pragña (e. g. pratyavekshani), with nature (kshaye akshaye), with the earth (dharani).
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