put thine entire body into the fire: with that entire body of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt swiftly pass to yonder world!' for this is what would take place.
22. For in like manner as one undergoes suffering on approaching the fire that has been kindled by means of the kindling verses, so also does one undergo suffering for cursing a priest (brâhmana) who knows and recites the kindling verses.
1. That same fire, then, they have kindled, (thinking), 'In it, when kindled, we will sacrifice to the gods.' In it, indeed, he makes these two first oblations to Mind and Speech (or, Voice); for mind and speech, when yoked together, convey the sacrifice to the gods.
2. Now, what is performed (with formulas, pronounced) in a low voice, by that the mind conveys the sacrifice to the gods; and what is performed (with formulas) distinctly uttered by speech, by that the speech conveys the sacrifice to the gods. And thus takes place here a twofold performance, whereby
1 Viz. the two âghâras, or pourings (libations) of butter. first libation, which belongs to Pragâpati, is made by the Adhvaryu, while seated north of the fire, immediately after the commencement of the pravara, in a continuous line from west to east, on the north part of the fire. The second libation (cf. note on I, 4, 5, 3) is made by the Adhvaryu while standing on the south side, in the same way on the southern part of the fire. According to some authorities of the Black Yagus ritual (quoted by Hillebrandt, Neu und Vollm. pp. 80, 86) the sacrificer pronounces the anumantranas, 'For Pragâpati is this, not for me: thou art the mind of Pragâpati!' and 'Indra's voice (speech) art thou: enter into me with the voice, with Indra's power l' over the two libations respectively.
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