thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt become dumb!' for this is what would take place.
16. If any one were to curse him at the sixth (verse), he should say to him, 'Thereby thou hast put thine own mind into the fire: by that mind of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt move about as one possessed with the (demon) "mind-stealer," as one deranged in mind !' for this is what would take place.
17. If any one were to curse him at the seventh (verse), he should say to him, 'Thereby thou hast put thine own eye into the fire: by that eye of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt become blind!' for this is what would take place.
18. If any one were to curse him at the eighth (verse), he should say to him, 'Thereby thou hast put thine own central breath into the fire : by that central breath of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt expire and die!' for this is what would take place.
19. If any one were to curse him at the ninth (verse), he should say to him, 'Thereby thou hast put thine own organ into the fire: by that organ of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt become emasculate !' for this is what would take place.
20. If any one were to curse him at the tenth (verse), he should say to him, “Thereby thou hast put thine own down-breathing into the fire: by that down-breathing of thine shalt thou undergo suffering, thou shalt die from constipation!' for this is what would take place.
21. If any one were to curse him at the eleventh (verse), he should say to him, 'Thereby thou hast
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