18. He now announces (the oblation) to the deity (for whom it is intended). For when the Adhvaryu is about to take the oblation, all the gods draw near to him, thinking, "My name he will choose! my name he will choose!' and among them who are thus gathered together, he thereby establishes concord.
19. Another reason for which he announces (the oblation) to the deity, is this: whichever deities are chosen, they consider it as an obligation that they are bound to fulfil whatever wish he entertains whilst taking (the oblation); and for that reason also he announces it to the deity. After taking the oblations (to the other deities) in the same way as before?,
20. He touches (the rice that is left), with the text (Vág. S. I, 11 a): 'For existence (or, abundance,I leave) thee, not for non-offering s!' He thereby causes it to increase again.
· Viz. by calling out the names, since, without this being done, quarrels would arise among the deities as to whom the offering might be intended for, Mahidh.
2 Viz. as in the case of the oblation to Agni, and substituting the name of the respective deity in the formula used above (par. 17), • Thee, agreeable to (Agni)!' The oblations prescribed for the full-moon sacrifice are a cake on eight potsherds for Agni, and one on eleven potsherds for Agni and Soma : for each of these cakes he takes four handfuls from the cart and throws them into the Agnihotra ladle lying on the winnowing basket which he holds with his left hand. With each of the first three handfuls of each of the two oblations he repeats the above text, whilst the fourth handful is thrown in silently. After the oblation for Agni is taken, he pours it from the ladle into the winnowing basket so as to lie on the southern side; and then takes out the oblation for AgniSoma, which is afterwards poured into the basket so as to lie north of the first heap). Kåty. Sr. II, 3, 20-21 and Scholl.
• Thus Mahidhara (i. e. 'to serve for future oblations, or as food for the priests”). Perhaps the meaning is, 'For a (divine or human) being thee, not for the evil spirit!' Cf. St. Petersburg Dict. 8. v. bhůta.
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