placed on the body of the Blessed One it appeared to have lost its splendour!
48. And the venerable Ânanda said to the Blessed One: 'How wonderful a thing is it, Lord, and how marvellous, that the colour of the skin of the Blessed One should be so clear, so exceeding bright! For when I placed even this pair of robes of burnished cloth of gold and ready for wear on the body of the Blessed One, lo! it seemed as if it had lost its splendour !'
49. 'It is even so, Ânanda. Ånanda, there are two occasions on which the colour of the skin of a Tathagata becomes clear and exceeding bright. What are the two ?'
50. 'On the night, Ânanda, on which a Tathâgata attains to the supreme and perfect insight, and on the night in which he passes finally away in that utter passing away which leaves nothing whatever to remain-on these two occasions the colour of the skin of the Tathâgata becomes clear and exceeding bright.
51. ‘And now this day, Ânanda, at the third watch of the right, in the Upavattana of Kusinârâ, in the Sala Grove of the Mallians, between the twin Sala
1 The commentator says, Bhagavato kâyam upanâmitan ti nivâsana-pârûpana-vasena alliyâ pitam: Bhagava pi tato ekam nivâsesi ekam pârûpi. Vîtakkikam (MS. kkh) viya ti yatha (MS, tatha) vitakkiko angaro antanten' eva gotîti bahi pan' assa pabhâ n'atthi, evam bahi pakkhinna(MS. pakkhinna-) pabhâ hutvâ khâyatî ti. My MS. of the text reads vitâsikam (as did Yâtrâmulle's MS. here, and one MS. of Fausböll's at Gâtaka I, 153, 154). There the word is used of embers in which food is cooked, without flame,'='glowing, smoldering.' Vitakkhikâ, 'an eruption on the skin,' belongs to the root kark.
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