44. Now Pukkusa, the young Mallian, addressed a certain man, and said: 'Fetch me, I pray you, my good man, a pair of robes of cloth. of gold, burnished and ready for wear.'
So be it, sir!' said that man, in assent, to Pukkusa, the young Mallian; and he brought a pair of robes of cloth of gold, burnished and ready for wear.
45. And the Mallian Pukkusa presented the pair of robes of cloth of gold, burnished and ready for wear, to the Blessed One, saying, Lord, this pair of robes of burnished cloth of gold is ready for wear. May the Blessed One show me favour and accept it at my hands !
*In that case, Pukkusa, 'robe me in one, and Ânanda in one.
Even so, Lord !' said Pukkusa; in assent, to the Blessed One; and in one he robed the Blessed One, and in one, Ananda.
46. Then the Blessed One instructed and aroused and incited and gladdened Pukkusa, the young Mallian, with religious discourse. And Pukkusa, the young Mallian, when he had been instructed and aroused and incited and gladdened by the Blessed One with religious discourse, arose from his seat, and bowed down before the Blessed One; and keeping him on his right hand as he past him, departed thence.
47. Now not long after the Mallian Pukkusa had gone, the venerable Ånanda placed that pair of robes of cloth of gold, burnished and ready for wear, on the body of the Blessed One, and when it was so
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