II, 1, 1.
oblations of clarified butter (reciting these two sacred texts): "O Lust, I have broken my vow; my vow have I broken, O Lust; to Lust Svâhâ ;" “O Lust, I have done evil; evil have I done, O Lust; to Lust Svâhâ.")
35. 'After he has made the offering, he shall address the fire, closely joining his hands, turning sideways (with the following texts): “May the Maruts grant me, may Indra, may Brihaspati, may this fire grant me long life and strength, may it make me long-lived !”
36. Now the relatives shall empty (the water-pot) of a (grievous offender) at a (solemn) meeting (and he shall confess), 'I N. N. am (the perpetrator of) such and such a deed).' After (the outcast) has performed (his penance) the Brâhmanas shall ask him who has touched water, milk, clarified butter, honey, and salt,'Hast thou performed (thy penance)?' The other (person) shall answer, 'Om' (yes)! They shall admit him who has performed (a penance) to all sacrificial rites, making no difference (between him and others).
37. If he unintentionally marries a female who belongs to his own family (gotra), he shall support her, (treating her) like his mother.
vâ âgyam amritam evâtman dhatte,' which occur also in the Aranyaka, after the Mantra. According to Govinda parikeshtâ, "preparatory rites,' refers to the consecration of the clarified butter, and so forth. The special rules regarding the Darvihomas are given Kâtyâyana Srauta Sûtra VI, 10, 17 seq.
36. Vasishtha XV, 12-21. Govinda thinks that nirvisesham savanîyam kuryuh, 'they shall admit him to all sacrificial rites, making no difference,' may also be interpreted by they shall perform for him the sacraments just as for a new-born child.'
37. Colebrooke V, Dig. CCCXL.
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