II, 1, 3.
38. If (such a woman) has borne a child, he shall perform Krikkhra penances during three months and offer (two burnt oblations reciting) the two (Mantras), *That which is the blemish of my soul' (and) 'Fire restored my sight.'
39. 'An elder brother whose younger brother marries first, the younger brother who marries first, the damsel wedded (by the latter), he who gives her away, and fifthly he who sacrifices for them (at the wedding), all sink to a region of torment.'
40. The unmarried elder brother and the married younger brother, the giver (of the maiden) and the performer of the sacrifices become pure by undergoing a Krikkhra penance of twelve days, the female (who has been wedded to the younger brother) by (fasting during) three days.'
: Prasna II, Adhyâya 1, KANDIKÂ 2.
1. Now (follow the offences) causing loss of caste (pataniya),
2. (Viz.) making voyages by sea,
38. The Mantras are found, Taittirîya Samhitâ III, 2, 5, 4.
39. Vasishtha XX, 7-8. The MSS. read parivittih parivetta yas kainâm (nam) parivindati. But it is absolutely necessary to adopt either the various reading given Manu III, 172, yaya ka parividyate, or to read yâ kainam parivindati.
40. The MSS. all read at the end of the verse, tristrirâtrena or dvistrirâtrena. The correct reading appears, however, to be strî trirâtrena; for Govinda says, yayâ saha parivettâ bhūtas [bhūttasya C. I., bhûtassastri C. T.] tasyâs trirâtrenopavâsena suddhih, 'the purification of that female with whom he has become a parivettri takes place through three days, i. e. through fasting (three days).'
2. 1. Âpastamba I, 7, 21, 7-11.
2. Govinda explains samudrasamyânam, making voyages by sea,' by 'voyaging by means of ships to another continent (dvipa).'
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