whose house stands with its thousand pillars, as victorious, on the highest height of high Haraiti, selflighted from within, star-studded from without, (22) to whom the Ahuna-vairya has come, the axe of victory', and the Haptanghaiti, and the Fshushomãthra which smites with victory, and all the Yasna sections.
For his splendour and his glory, for his might ....
23. We worship Sraosha (Obedience) the blessed, by whose might and victorious power, and wise conduct, and (full) knowledge, the Bountiful Immortals 2 descend upon this earth of seven quarters.
24. Who as teacher of the law will stride forth upon this earth with its dwellers in the body, and ruling as he will.
And in this Religion, Ahura Mazda has been confessed s with faith, and the Good Mind likewise with Him, and Righteousness the Best, and Khshathravairya, and Piety the Bounteous, and the Universal Weal and Immortality; and the question to the Lord is asked, and Mazda's lore (is written).
25. O Sraosha (Obedience), thou blessed one, and stately! protect us for the lives; yea, for both, (for that) of this world which is corporeal, and for the world of mind, against unhappy * death, and the remorseless Wrath of rapine, against the hosts with ill-intent, who lift their bloody spearso against us;
Comp. Vend. XIX, 10. ? They listen to Obedience, and so descend.
The meaning 'doth confess,' if correct, would show a very great degeneration from the lore of the Gâthic period. • Lit. evil.
Bannered spears; spears with streamers.
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