his understanding. He might have resorted to various gurus and adopted their views. All such exercises have not been helpful in realizing the self, because they were undertaken in absence of true Guru's guidance. Shrimad therefore says that whatever the worldly soul has gained so far has been acquired from the mundane perspective, not from the enlightened one. If one now comes in contact with an enlightened Guru, he must be prepared to leave all other gurus and to give up all his notions and beliefs. He should be ready to adopt the shelter of the true Guru and undertake whatever he commands. Since the true Guru has already treaded on the path and knows the obstacles on the way, he can guide the disciple suitably. He knows the shortcomings of the disciple and can therefore instruct him about the right scriptural study and the appropriate means of detachment. Treading on that road under the right guidance is the way of gaining the self-realization.
આત્મજ્ઞાન સમદર્શિતા, વિચરે ઉદયપ્રયોગ; અપૂર્વ વાણી પરમશ્રુત, સદ્ગુરુ લક્ષણ યોગ્ય.
Ätmajnän Samadarshitä, Vichare Udayprayog; Apoorva Väni Paramashrut, Sadguru Lakshan Yogya.
Self-realization, equanimity, activities as ordained, unparalleled words and mastery over the scriptures are the characteristics of a true Guru. (10)
Explanation & Discussion: After stressing the importance of surrendering at the feet of a true Guru this stanza specifies five characteristics of such a Guru. Self-realization, equanimity, life style as ordained, unparalleled speech, and authentic scriptural knowledge