Thereby such people cease to have the inclination to come in contact with a true Guru. If they happen to come in such contact, they are not receptive to the true teaching on account of their rigid sectarian approach."
“The bare knowledgeable persons also have not taken the shelter of a true Guru. They have read the spiritual books according to their own fancy and consider themselves knowledgeable thereby or by listening to the bare knowledgeable ones. To be considered as knowledgeable confers a position of honor and they cherish it.”
“From a peculiar consideration, the scriptures have laid the parity of pity, charity, violence and worship. Without understanding its implications the bare knowledgeable makes use of such words merely for being considered knowledgeable. He does not know how such words are to be utilized for gaining the ultimate benefit. As the scriptures have said about the futility of pity, etc. so have they said about the futility of learning up to nine Poorvas. That signifies the negation of barren knowledge. The bare knowledgeable person, however, does not look at it on account of his ego and the craze for being considered knowledgeable. That does not give him scope for the right thinking.”
“Both the lifeless ritualists and bare knowledgeable people have been on the wrong track. Their claim to have gained the right path clearly shows their vain persistence. If they had taken refuge at the feet of a true Guru, they would have been induced towards the means for self-realization, whereby they could be treading the right path.”.
Prior to getting access to a true Guru, the spiritual aspirant might have undertaken different activities as per