Shrimad wrote this more than a century before in light of the situation then prevailing. Since then the human race has made tremendous progress in the material field. It has split atom, probed psyche, spliced gene and cloned animals. It has invented radar, microwave and silicon chip. It has revolutionized the means of transport and communication by inventing automobiles, airplanes, rockets, satellites, telephones, televisions, computers, and internet. It has radically revised the prevalent theories in the areas of logic, learning, physics, chemistry, medicine, mathematics, space and time.
In the spiritual field, however, the mankind has made no progress. On the contrary, there has been evident regress. The material progress has not brought the lasting happiness. The true happiness lies in the state of liberation and the worldly soul needs to look to the path thereof, which it has consistently ignored. As that path has not been traversed since long, it has almost been lost sight of. The situation is thus deplorable.
The lasting happiness can arise only from within. Shrimad, the enlightened Guru, is going to show that path for the truth-seekers without any reservation. That is being done out of innate compassion.
કોઈ ક્રિયાજડ થઈ રહ્યા, શુષ્કજ્ઞાનમાં કોઈ; HID H120 Hall, szen Bud 98.
Koi Kriyajad Thai Rahyä, Shushka Jnänamän Koi;
Mäne Märag Mokshano, Karunä Upaje Joi.
Some people indulge in lifeless rituals, while some resort to bare knowledge; both of them believe their line to be the path of liberation; I feel sorry to notice it. (3)