This stanza can also be interpreted as covering all the six Fundamentals, which form the basis of Atmasiddhi Shästra. The soul undergoing suffering points to its existence; endless suffering signifies that the soul is everlasting; undergoing of the suffering in absence of understanding indicates that the soul has been acquiring Karmas and has been bearing its consequences; true nature of soul indicates the state of liberation; and explaining of that nature points to the means of attaining the same.
વર્તમાન આ કાળમાં, મોક્ષમાર્ગ બહુ લોપ; વિચારવા આત્માર્થીને, ભાખ્યો અત્ર અગોય.
Vartamän Ä Kälamän, Mokshamärga Bahu Lop; Vichäravä Ätmärthine, Bhäkhyo Atra Agopya.
Currently, the path of liberation has been mostly forsaken; it is presented here without any reservation for contemplating over by the truth-seekers. (2)
Explanation & Discussion: The remaining two aspects of the composition are covered here. Path of liberation is Abhidheya (The subject matter of the composition) and contemplation for truth seekers is Prayojan (Purpose of the composition).
The worldly people stay deeply engrossed with material well being in the hope of gaining peace and happiness. We have been pursuing material comforts almost to the exclusion of spiritual objective. With that end in view we have embarked upon scientific exploration, which has provided the comforts and amenities that were unimaginable only a few years back. Has that, however, made us happy?