Explanation & Discussion: The path of liberation consists of right perception, right knowledge and right action. Since perception and knowledge go hand in hand, it can also be said that the path consists of knowledge and action. The seers have therefore said: “Jnänkriyäbhyam Mokshah”. It means that liberation can be achieved by the combination of knowledge and action. Knowledge without action is sterile. It leads nowhere and tends to give rise to vanity. On the other hand, action without knowledge leads to a blind alley; one could get entrapped therein.
Most aspirants do not realize the importance of pursuing both those aspects simultaneously. Absence of such understanding is the principal cause of drifting in the ocean of birth and death. Some people believe that the performance of auspicious rituals is enough. Thereby they expect to earn Punya (Wholesome Karma), which could lead them to a better life hereafter. Therefore they perform the traditional rituals without understanding their purpose. Such people are called lifeless ritualists.
On the other hand, some people read or listen to the sacred books and scriptures written from the absolute point of view. Thereby they conclude that the understanding of soul and its nature will lead to manifestation of its true nature. Such intellectual understanding does not become helpful in gaining Self-Realization. Mere intellectual understanding leads them astray. Such people are called bare knowledgeable. What is required is the application of knowledge in practice. That can translate the knowledge into true understanding.
Both these groups are mistaken. Shrimad observes that majority of the religiously oriented people belong to one of