understand the true nature of soul and the state of liberation inherent therein, and to wait for the time when that state is destined to materialize. From their point of view true understanding and willingness to wait constitute the right endeavor.
That theory gives too much importance to the time factor. Jainism states that nature (Swabhäv), right endeavor (Purushärtha), instrumental factors (Nimitta), time (Käl), and destiny (Bhavitavyatä) are the five factors that are necessary for a change to occur. Swabhäv indicates the potential of the subject to undergo a certain change, Purushärtha indicates the effort for effecting the change, Nimitta indicates the auxiliaries to be associated for bringing out the change, Käl shows the right time for the purpose, and Bhavitavyatä or Bhavsthiti shows that the change is going to take place.
All these five factors are required for effecting a change. Swabhäv is the predominant factor, because nothing can happen without the potentiality. For instance, sand does not have the potential to yield oil; hence however much one may try, oil cannot be extracted out of sand. But this aspect has only a theoretical significance, because no one would try to do anything unless there is potential for the same.
Endeavor is therefore the first vital factor. In a way, it covers the other factors. For instance, bringing together the auxiliaries can be considered a part of the endeavor. The selection of the right time is inherent in the right endeavor, because no sensible person would make the endeavor at the wrong time. Destiny is a double edged sword. Sometimes it yields to the right endeavor and sometimes it does not. Success or failure depends upon one's Karma.