Bhavsthiti is sometimes taken as a state that leads to the end of the life cycle (Liberation), but that state cannot come forth in the absence of right perception, and right perception cannot arise without endeavoring for the purpose. Thus endeavor is the most vital factor. Of the five factors mentioned above, it is the only factor which is under our control. The seers have therefore urged to undertake the right endeavor while assuming that the destiny will be helpful.
This stanza therefore exhorts the aspirants to resort to the endeavor for realizing the true nature. Such endeavor consists of giving up the tendency to indulge in craving or aversion for the worldly objects. One should therefore earnestly strive to overcome the sense of craving and aversion, and avoid indulging in indolence in the name of destined fate.
માંથીe |
હિર ની દેણીની લી થી 0ની ટી Kalaa zuu aanzi, zie Szuizlel.
Nishchay Wami Sambhali, Sådhan Taiwan Now Nishchay Rakhi Lakshaman, Sadhan Karvan Soy
Do not give up the means by listening to the absolute viewpoint; make proper use of the means while keeping the absolute viewpoint in mind. (131)
Explanation & Discussion: This stanza provides a useful hint to the people, who unduly resort to the absolute viewpoint as explained in Chapter 2. That view emphasizes the inherent nature of soul as being pure, un-interacting, unbound, unaffected, and as good as that of liberated ones. Its purpose is to indicate the true