can therefore be surmised that every living being looks for lasting happiness and immortality. Since these attributes are inherent within the soul, it would be helpful to ponder over the same during the contemplation and meditation.
But this is subject to the instructions and commands of the Guru. It is noticed that many people resort to contemplation and meditation, but their delusion about the Self does not disappear. This is due to the fact that they ignore the stipulation of following Guru's instructions. If one follows his instructions and resorts to the prescription of contemplation and meditation, the long standing disease of delusion would be cured. If one thinks deeply over this, he would make out that there is no other way to get rid of the delusion.
u eunad, sal az yzuel, celela ze 714 GS, JE I zaidiel.
Jo Ichchha Paramārtha To Karo Satya Purushärtha;
Bhavsthiti Adi Näm Lai, Chheda Nahi Atmartha.
Strive real hard if you want to attain the absolute truth; do not forsake the quest for truth in the name of destiny, fate, etc. (130)
Explanation & Discussion: There are people, who wish to attain the blissful state and like to endeavor for it. There are also those, who think that every thing happens at the destined time and our endeavoring is of no avail. The theory of Krambaddha Paryäy, for instance, states that there is a strict chronological order according to which every thing happens, and it is not possible to change or modify that order. The advocates of the theory stipulate that what one needs to do is to