A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter V 2nd Stall "Make the world a better place for
everyone to live in" --- A group of 4 students arrived at this
TAKE CARE OF HIM stall. These were run by Environmentalists,
STRONGER MAN CANA Feed the Poor, Build Houses for the
OTHERS : Humanity, Charitable People, and Politician's.
Stal12 Host1:
Hello children, we'd like you to commit your lives to "making the world a better place for everyone". It's easy to live for money or for your own interests. Life's purpose has to be bigger than that. Nothing wrong with that We encourage you to dedicate your life to helping others that are less fortunate......... You can think of this as "Doing GOD's work".......... This will get you close to God and take you to heaven.
Student #1,2,3:
Stall2 Host2:
Stall2 Hosti:
We have multiple offerings. You can pick and choose what you'd like to sign-up for. "Feed the Poor", "Protect the environment", "Build Housing for Humanity", "Becoming Architects, Doctors, Scientists, Educators to help humanity", "Donation for good causes like Health in 3rd world countries", "Running the country as Elected Officials" etc.
Stall2 Host2:
And guess what? Today is your lucky day, if you sign up and make this as your primary goal of life... you'll receive badges, hats and t-shirts saying ("I donated blood today", "I voted today", "I dedicated my life to protecting the environment, or girl child" etc.)