A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Student #4:
Friends... how can fulfilling desires make you happy, when they give rise to more desires ?.......... If they did then why did our "Teerthankars* (atefcht), Chakravarthys* (Elshanit)" and so many "Arihants* (fa)" leave all the worldly pleasures and belongings behind to pursue happiness.......... I'm going to keep looking guys... this is not the kind of happiness that I was looking for.
Student #3:
--- who had earlier signed up at this stall --- You know, when I was 3 yrs old, I wanted Thomas Train, Mickey Mouse and so many other gifts, that my parents and friends got for me. Later when I was 6yrs old, I wanted different things, and luckily this time around also I got all those things that I thought had my happiness. Everything I ever wanted at Age 6-7-8 was also provided to me. Then why am I not the happiest of all kids? I've got more than so many other kids in the world. Then why today I feel like I am not complete without a few more things? How can happiness be a state of "always wanting something from someone" ?...... I'm sorry I signed up a little while ago. I'll have to go the booth where I can "Switch My Purpose of Life". For me too, this is not the kind of happiness that will lead to a peaceful state of mind.
* Teerthankar ateich - Pure Soul who lectures on our ultimate goal of being happy * Chakravarthy Elshant - King of All Kings, he rules all Lands, Water and Air * Arihant 3f Pure Soul who has no desires and knows everything