A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Student (#1,2,3):
lots of Money” as their primary purpose of life. Wow... This seems to fulfill our need of getting all the glorious things we want. I know my Dad will be so happy I chose this as the purpose of my life.
3 out of 4 students decide to sign-up... They were given bands to wear on their heads for the rest of their lives. They were also given large goodie bags (backpacks full of gadgets)
Student #4:
(One who had not signed up at this stall) I understand I'll get a lot of goods by signing up here, but that was not why we started our search. We learned that the most important thing in life is "Happiness" and it's not a result of "Having Everything" but a result of "Not Desiring" things. Sir "Fulfilling Desires" is the only way we know of being happy.
Stalli Host2:
Student #4:
I wonder how can having things, result in eternal and continuous state of happiness? Because many of the things we desire are either temporary or not in our control....... Things that we are able to obtain (one way or the other), we continuously expect them to stay with us and not part. Later, when better things come along, we start wanting new things and become anxious for more.
Stall1 Host2:
Sir, we do not guarantee being happy.... we only guarantee "having worldly pleasures" and I agree it's not going to get you everything you wish for nor is it going to last forever. You'll have to keep acquiring things you want and take them from whoever has, what you wish for.
4th student turns to other 3 (who had already signed up at this stall) and says....