A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Student #1,2,3
Wow!...this definitely seems better than working selfishly for our needs, instead we are trying to improve the lives of others. This also is in line with our "Ahinsa* (BIH)" principle. I'm in.
--- Another 3 out of 4 students decide to sign-up... They were given bands to wear on their heads for the rest of their lives. They were also given goodie bags (made of recycled paper)
Student #4:
--- One who had not signed up at this stall --- I understand it's good to help others rather than live only for your own good, but that was not why we started our search. What will happen if I have a "desire to help others", and circumstances don't allow me to help, or if circumstances change where I am not able to provide the level of service that I intended to provide.
Stall2 Host1:
Sir you will not be able to "fulfill your desire to help everyone, every time". There will be times you'll not be able to help or bring about the changes you'd like. In those circumstances, you will need to learn that we don't control everything and some things cannot be changed, irrespective of how much we try. In those cases you have to move on to something smaller, where you can make an impact.
Student #4:
This doesn't seem to be the answer to happiness that I was looking for. It seems all I've done is that, Earlier I was working day and night towards achieving everything that I wanted for me and my family, now I'll be working, for what others want. I understand this is noble, I don't deny that.......... but we're once again trying to fulfill desires, when we know those give rise to new desires.
*Ahinsa 31 HT- Non-violence