16. maine aartt 65
‘oneself from tamntations nf vision, sme!! taste and touch. Nor should
these stimuli cause abhorrenceta relevant senses.
Jere efor ca, dareig aves
& sae faafaaan, cisarne wate fe en
a. mercurial ey gatea (gea) ait 268 ciel sfaat dare
aro at areaaa Fa a gaha eben frafeas ga oe sarees
ar are aad Z|
1. These senses, when reinless, generate this mundane existence.
Once they are restrained, they dispense with bondages of mundane
aera sfran da, craabarind i
grat fra asiarg, ay Safer eet gin
2.88 (ares A oreigt AA Te) wpe ae HOT aaa
ar ated HTT aA StSe a Beare Ta fae qe ea Zeit
aiai gfrzat ar datas we|
2. As a tortoise, when apprehensive withdraws itself into its shelt
$0 does anascetic his senses 10 protecthimself from attraction-aversion.
ag TARA, BET IT Ystat 1
sfaanfot a oftq a, agr sit frag ug
3. aa afee (aerrft) rare wT sferay Ft afer & aif
Rare ade Bofefag wets 4a A sfadiat aa (wa-aeaaT
ant) & are Ferry wea at sPrear at Ott
3. As gastric juices assimilate food for the benefit of the different
organs of the body, 50 oneshould regulate one’s senses by mental, oral
andbodily regulation.
aa ® fag gg fared fact wa afaq wai ag
geacd garfa geanreafa fe afte
iarraseaT |