64 safeties a
2&. ate aearagsaaai
wea ag at fragrant w afterafea shea at aaig,
ag var gia fa at fe ara to aegat efao get |
a wefafa ? auig afy aafeanig wt aravaot
wWreat at finde it qeisat at fafaazaasyea t
atig agg dhafaaaadg aaawong faseat qe
aret ariaant faccagal caaerer mrety waft 1 age
aUpMAqg sey Aafaaaqg MT apieOt <a
Wr famksa wt geist oT ataaret fa (crag...wast)
Ga wag tig cay Gag | Ud faadieg ot Fava |
wt gay! faet sfeat ar aw gfaa aeq—aa ay ag favarare
i agi agen @, ag favea | ge ge 3
Rar aq stain aia aa
aa shea} Baa ar aga Pra sare ar 8? qua ater
fron a) area watt meat Ho orae at a, wae 4 et, Gea ae gi, AIeT
aa, aie a aa Forres aT ATAT TT ae fay aT aIAAT
meat Yo mae, agen, atgs att aifea dae aaa BUH ATT HIT
wat aga ara raat at ager acar 81 aa: gga woifeag fae aT
ava waa weal Ha raf wt, ager He, 7 Ta eT, a artes zt, 7
sreaa at wit a sae asd ware eT (aafetae), wa (aT
fear), ca (faresfaa) are aah (evsifiaa) 3 fara st ares artis a
aguas | el eat ware ttenqvaro-forgr az eneffegr & faq
AT ITAa Wee, TT, WI, Va a er ae go TT |
Know it Aspirant, he is an elevaled soul whose senses flow not
libidinausly towards their objectslike a fluid.
Shauryayan, the seer, further oleborated regarding the nature of
sensual outflow, Let not the aspirant be stitted, moved, perturbed, enticed
and allured of tempting sounds. One whose ears are prone to fail for
enticing, tempting, bewitching sounds is sure to commit relatedsins. The
aspirant should not be charmed and bewitched to the point of reinless
indulgence in such melodious temptations. Similarly should one shield