खेत्तसंजोगे-भारहे एरवए हेमवए एरण्णवए हरिवस्सए रम्मयवस्सए पुव्वविदेहए अवरविदेहए, देवकुरुए उत्तरकुरुए अहवा मागहए मालवए सोरट्टए मरहट्ठए कोंकणए कोसलए। से तं खेत्तसंजोगे।
२७७. (प्र.) क्षेत्रसंयोग से होने वाले नाम क्या हैं ?
(उ.) क्षेत्रसंयोग से होने वाले नाम इस प्रकार हैं-भरत क्षेत्र में उत्पन्न होने वाला भारतीय या भारत कहलाता है। इसी प्रकार यह ऐरवत क्षेत्रीय है, यह हैमवतक्षेत्रीय है,
यह ऐरण्यवतक्षेत्रीय है, यह हरिवर्षक्षेत्रीय है, यह रम्यक्वर्षीय है, यह पूर्वविदेहक्षेत्रीय है, * यह उत्तरविदेहक्षेत्रीय है, यह देवकुरुक्षेत्रीय है, यह उत्तरकुरुक्षेत्रीय है। अथवा यह
मागधीय है, मालवीय है, सौराष्ट्रीय है, महाराष्ट्रीय है, कौंकणदेशीय है, यह कौशलदेशीय 5) है। ये नाम क्षेत्रसंयोगनिष्पन्न के उदाहरण हैं। (2) KSHETRA SAMYOGA NAAM
277. (Q.) What is this Kshetra samyoga naam (name derived due to association with an area or a place) ?
(Ans.) The (examples of) Kshetra samyoga naam (name derived * due to association with an area or a place) are as follows A person " born in Bharat kshetra (Indian sub-continent) is called Bhaaratiya
or Bhaarat (Indian). In the same way it is said that this person is Airavat kshetriya (born in Airavat kshetra), this is Haimavat kshetriya, this is Airanyavat kshetriya, this is Harivarsh kshetriya, this is Ramyakvarshiya, this is Purvavideh kshetriya, this is
Uttaravideh kshetriya, this is Devakuru kshetriya, this is * Uttarakuru kshetriya (These are the names of geographical areas
from Jain mythology.). Also, this is Magadhiya (born in the Indian The state of Magadh), this is Malaviya (born in the Indian state of
Malava), this is Saurashtriya (born in the Indian state of Saurashtra), this is Maharashtriya (born in the Indian state of Maharashtra), this is Konkandeshiya (born in the Indian state of Konkan), this is Kaushaldeshiya (born in the Indian state of Kaushal).
This concludes the description of Kshetra samyoga naam or name derived due to association with an area or a place.
सचित्र अनुयोगद्वार सूत्र-२
Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra-2
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