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इसी प्रकार जो शिष्य ज्ञान प्राप्त करते समय भूल होने पर तत्काल गुरु तथा सहपाठियों से क्षमा मॉग भूल सुधारने तथा ज्ञान प्राप्त करने में जुट जाता है वह सफलतापूर्वक ज्ञान प्राप्त कर ध्येय की ओर आगे बढ़ जाता है। ऐसा श्रोता सुपात्र है।
Elaboration–The widely accepted norm about knowledge is that it should be imparted to a worthy person, not unworthy. Same is true or scriptural knowledge. A person who is wicked, foolish, dull, adamant, impolite, carnal, or having other such vices always abuses
knowledge. Therefore he is unworthy. One who has interest, curiosity, 91 sincerity, humbleness, and right conduct is worthy of scriptural
knowledge. The author has explained the vices and virtues of a listener with fourteen examples-(See Illustration 5)
1. Smooth rock-There is a rock known as Mudg-rock which is as smooth as black-gram. Even if it incessantly rains over it for one week, water does not seep into it. Even if it is kept submerged in water for years, it does not become damp. A person having 4 attributes like this stone is not even slightly inspired towards the fi right path in spite of being preached continuously for years. He is as si dogmatic and adamant as Goshalak and Jamali who could not be corrected even by Bhagavan Mahavir himself. Such listeners, who are as obstinate as Ravan and Duryodhan, are unworthy and should be rejected.
2. Earthen pitcher-These are of two types-unbaked and 5 baked. A pitcher that is dried in sun is unbaked. It cannot be used to
fill water in it because as soon as water is poured in, it disintegrates 4 fi and water flows out. An infant with such a nature, or a listener with
an undeveloped and immature mind, like an infant, is absolutely unworthy.
A baked pitcher is also of two types--new and old. A new pitcher is most suitable for filling water. Water filled in such a pitcher is generally not spoiled and it remains cool and satisfying. A listener with such disposition, who has a mature mind but has not become u preconditioned or prejudiced by absorbing other knowledge or information, is most worthy recipient of scriptural knowledge.
An old pitcher is of two types. One that is old but has not been used for storing water. Such pitcher does not lose all its properties. Si When used, it still keeps the water clean and cool. A listener having si श्री नन्दीसूत्र
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