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Elaboration-This is a panegyric of the Shrisangh or the 5 f religious organization giving it the metaphor of the great Meru yo
mountain (mythical). The details about this mountain as given in the fi scriptures are-It is located at the center of the Jambudveep. It is
one thousand yojans (a linear measure) deep in the earth and ninety nine thousand yojans high. Its girth has a diameter of ten thousand
yojans. It has four large and beautiful forests (1) Bhadrashal forest 4 15. (it is at the ground level all around the mountain), (2) Nanda 41 (at a height of five hundred yojans from the ground level), (3) 4 i Somanas forest (at a height of 62,500 yojans from Nandan forest, (4) i Panduk forest (at a height of 35,000 yojans from Somanas forest). It
has a three sections filled with gold, silver and gems respectively. It
has a peak forty yojans high. This is one of the highest mountains in 4 the world. (See Illustration 4)
The metaphor of Meru mountain given to sangh is like this, Right perception is its base. Discipline, self-control, codes and 4 subduing of passions are its golden rocks. Sublime, pious pursuits are 4 its high cliffs. Self-study, chaste disposition, contentment etc. are its 45 5 forests that provide bliss to gods and human beings. Twenty eight ki
types of labdhis (special skills, attainments or powers) including
Amarsh (the healing touch) are the divine herbs found on this 5 mountain. The ascetics are like wish-fulfilling trees. Pure streams of
samvar (the level of purity of attitude where the inflow of karmas is
blocked) flow here. As the Meru mountain remains unmoved and 41 stable even in the midst of terrible hellish storms and deluge, so si
remains this religious organization of the Jina amidst the verbal - tirade of the antagonists.
अन्य प्रकार से संघमेरुकीस्तुति OTHER PANEGYRIC OF THE SANGH-MOUNTAIN १८ : गुण-रयणुज्जलकडयं, सील-सुगंधि-तव-मंडिउद्देस।
सुय-बारसंग-सिहरं, संघमहामन्दरं वंदे॥ ___अर्थ-संघरूप मेरु गिरि का मध्य भाग-सम्यग्ज्ञान, सम्यग्दर्शन, सम्यकचारित्ररूप विविध ॐ रत्नों से देदीप्यमान है। शील की सुगंधि से तथा तप की शोभा से यह मंडित है। द्वादशांग
श्रुतरूप उत्तुंग (ऊँचे) इसके शिखर हैं। ऐसे संघरूपी महामन्दर गिरि को मैं नमस्कार i ant ŽI स्तुतियां (83)
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